29~What is wrong?

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When we landed Phil picked us up and took us back to the flat. He left for his house straight away. Leaving us to put our stuff away.

"What's wrong with Phil?" I asked while we were putting our clothes away.

"You felt it too?" Dan asked me.

"Yeah. Something is wrong."

"Shall I ask him?"


Dan got his phone out and phoned Phil up.

"Hey Phil." He said.

"I'm good. You?"

"Phil, you're lying to me. You aren't okay."

"You can tell me Phil. I'm your best friend."

"Well it's ruining everything more now that we don't know what's going on Philip."

"No Jess can't hear."

"Fine. I promise Phil."

"I promise on my internet connection."

Then Dan's eyes went wide.

"Okay yeah I understand. Of course not." He put the phone down and hugged me.

"Dan?" I asked. I pulled out of his hug and tears were brimming in his eyes. "Dan babe what is wrong?"

"I can't tell you." Dan stated

"You can, Phil just won't let you."

"Even if Phil said I could tell you I wouldn't tell you Jess."

"Why can't I know?"

"Because we don't want you to be upset about it when we have just come back from our honeymoon and we don't want to put you in danger Jess. I can't do that."

"Danger? Dan you are making no sense."

"Jess don't ask me. I can't." He collapsed on the bed and put his face in his hands. I sat next to him and hugged him.

"Dan, I am going to go through scenarios in my head that are probably worse than the actual thing." At that Dan got up and went into the bathroom. I went after him and he slammed the door in my face. What is going on?


"Go away Jess." Dan told me.

"No." I slid down the door and sat against it. In sickness and in health, richer and poorer until death do we part.

Dan sighed and he cried. I was desperate to be in there with him but I couldn't kick the door down could I? So I just stayed there and slept, jet lag taking effect. The nightmare making a reappearance because of all the scenarios running around in my head.

~a week later~

Dan had been acting weird all week. He wouldn't leave my side at all. he came with me to put Elsie in bed and we only ever went out to the park so Elsie could have a run around. One night Elsie was in bed, Dan was editing and I was sitting on the couch with a cup of tea in hand and Once upon a time (I brought the DVD from amazon) was on the TV. Dan came in and sat in the chair opposite the couch and went on his phone. I looked over at him and sighed silently. He hadn't hugged or kissed me in a week and I missed his warmth. He was always on his phone and he hardly spoke to me anymore. I stretched my legs out on the couch understanding that he wasn't going to sit with me and looked back at the TV.

Then I got a text from Dan

We need to talk.

I replied


"Jess." Dan's voice was hoarse.

"Why have you been acting so weird?" I asked

"Because..." Dan sighed and walked over to me. "Jim and Tanya."

"What happened?"

He held my hand and paused the TV. silence surrounded us and I looked into Dan's eyes.

"There was an accident." My eyes went wide.

"Are they-" I was interupted by the doorbell.

"Stay here, there's something else." Dan left me to and answered the door. Then I heard the squeals.

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