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"Hello, Ms. Nancy please come in" Jennie opened the door wide for the young teacher.

"Um, where should we start our lesson?" Nancy ask looking around the house for available spot for her and Jennie to sit.

"Well downstairs, that is where I mostly study" smiling brightly at the teacher Jennie lead the way down to her so called Study Room.

When Jennie opened the door, Nancy was shocked to see many items for human torture then she realize what is happening she quickly run towards the door trying to get out.

Jennie grabbed her hands and putting a cloth in her nose making her see black, Jennie laugh at Nancy's situation.

She throwed the girl towards her contraption, locking her arms and leg in place, "What a beautiful girl but I'm sad its all gonna be a waste" Jennie tapped Nancy's legs rubbing it up and down.

"Hmm! What would it look like if Lisa's on your place? but that would be different because I would torture her with pleasure and you will be tortured with nothing but pain" Jennie laugh looking at the girl who lost her consciousness.

Jennie walk towards her kitchen grabbing an apple biting it hard, after sometime she heard screams of help. Took her sometime to wake up, Jennie smiled walking downstairs.

"Well-well-well, your awake!" Jennie opened the door smiling brightly at the girl who is tied in place.

"Ms. K-kim, No! Jennie let me out! Don't worry I won't tell anybody just let me out, I didn't do anything to you!" Nancy screamed ta Jennie's face.

"What a naive woman, you like my Lisa right?" Jennie took out her scalpel that she stole from the hospital near her place.

"I-i don't like Lisa!" the teacher quickly yelled but Jennie knows it is a lie.

"Lying straight to my face? Its not a nice thing for a teacher to lie" laughing at Nancy, she slowly walk towards her holding up the scalpel.

"Let's start the operation shall we?" but Jennie was interrupted by a phone call, she grunted stuffing a cloth on Nancy's mouth muffling the girl.

Jennie looked at the caller and its Rosé she smiled genuinely, she actually love the girl as a friend, Jennie answered the call enthusiasticly.

"Hey! What's up?" Jennie answered moving the scalpel up and down.

"Are you coming tomorrow at the slumber party?" Rosé ask Jennie through the phone.

"That depends who's gonna be there" Jennie looked at Nancy smiling, the girl has tears streaming down her face.

"Jisoo and Lisa, they invited me but I told them I want you to come to accompany me" Rosé said but it was actually Lisa who ask her to bring Jennie but the younger girl won't admit that.

Hearing Lisa's name Jennie smiled brightly, she cleared her throat and calmly answered Rosé.

"Yes, of course I don't have much to do tomorrow anyway" Jennie bite her lips to stop herself from smiling.

"Oh okay thank you bye!"

"Bye" Jennie hung up the phone throwing it up and down whistling excited for tomorrow, she is ecstatic to see Lisa.

"No where were we?" She throwed the phone on the couch walking towards Nancy.


Looking at the girl who's limbs is apart blood flowing everywhere in the room, a head is hung on the ceiling, Jennie smiled at her master piece.

She quickly burned the girl but not that burned, Jennie is a hacker so she hack the CCTV's around the area to delete the footage of Nancy coming inside her house.

Jennie slammed Nancy's car inside a tunnel where people usually don't take because it leads to the country side, she put the burned girl inside it, slamming the door shut she quickly cut the break off.

She sprinkled gas and lighting it on fire, she took Nancy's phone quickly deleting their conversation. Jennie also light the phone on fire for no evidence.

Driving towards a carwash, she quickly drive inside and wash her car to leave no stain of blood, after that she drove straight to her house.

Going out in her backyard, she simply act like she's burning some leaves but its actually the gloves she used to leave no finger print, Nancy's clothes was attached to the teachers body.

After burning all the evidence, Perfect Murder she thought to herself smiling. Quickly lighting a cigarette, looking at the monitor which shows Lisa's face looking at something curiously.

"Hmm, I'm gonna name you Nini!" Lisa hugged the teddy bear, kissing its nose.

"Nini? I like it" Jennie smiled while looking at the screen, she watch Lisa cutting something up but she can't see because the teddy bear is place away from her and she's facing back at the stuffed toy.

Lisa hummed towards herself immersed in cutting Jennie's pictures, she slowly walk towards her closet and opening a secret door which leads to many pictures of Jennie hung at the wall.

"My baby!" Lisa walked and taped the new picture of Jennie at the wall, kissing the photos.

"See you tomorrow my dear!" She closed her closet, Jennie is watching her every movement but she didnt see Lisa going inside the secret room because of the angle of the camera.

Jennie watch Lisa until the girl fall asleep smiling creepily, "I think I'm gonna have a hard time controlling myself tomorrow" she rubbed the dent on her pants seeing Lisa on her night gown.

Jennie went downstairs and turned the TV on to watch some news, "A girl was found dead, her name is Nancy McDonie teaching at Lei High she was involved in a car accident. The police said she lose control because of the break, making her slam on the wall. In other news another car acci-"

Turning off the TV, happy at the news Jennie cooked Kimchi Fried Rice to celebrate at her victory.

After eating she finally went to sleep thinking of Lisa but of course Lisa is also thinking of Jennie, its another foolish love story don't you think?


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