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Jennie heard honking outside her porch, she look through the window to see Rosé waving at her from her car.

She smiled running down to her friend, "Hey!" Rosé greeted Jennie as soon as she gets in to the car.

"Hi" Jennie simple said looking at Rosé's phone, and it lit up indicating someone send a message to Rosé. Jennie took a quick pick to see Lisa asking Rosé what time will they get there.

She didn't see Rosé's reply because she immediately look away before Rosé notice her staring.

"Ready?" Rosé ask Jennie who nod her head at the girl beside her, Jennie look down staring at her hands secretly smiling. Thinking of watching Lisa sleep all night is making her act up.

Quickly erasing her thoughts of the younger girl, she just sat still on the car waiting for them to arrive at their destination.

After arriving they were immediately greeted by a smiling Lisa who opened the door widely, Jennie didn't notice the looks Rosé and Lisa exchange.

"Hey!" Rosé went in first but before Jennie gets inside Lisa greeted her by hugging Jennie's body tight.

"I believe this is the first time we get to talk for real?" Lisa laugh making Jennie want to video the moment to add to her collections.

"I believe so to, I'm Jennie Kim" reaching out her hand, Lisa accepted Jennie's hands making her realize how cold Jennie's hands is.

"Lisa...well please get inside" Lisa opened the door for Jennie to get in, they sat down Lisa went to the kitchen to get something for them to eat.

Lisa purposely wore shorts-shorts and over size T-shirt for Jennie to notice, Lisa thought that Jennie didn't notice her clothes but thats what she thought.

Walking towards the Kitchen Jennie looked at Lisa's milky white legs and getting her phone to take a photo secretly, she like the outcome of the photo.

Lisa notice Jennie going inside the kitchen, "How may I help you?" Lisa ask Jennie looking at the girl who is panicking quickly turning off her phone.

"Nothing, I'm lending you my help" Jennie thought of something for an excuse, lifting up the tray filled with snacks and drinks.

"Well thank you, your so kind" Lisa patted Jennies arms and caress them softly making Jennie's cheeks blushed but the latter quickly hid her face for the younger girl not to notice that she is blushing mess.

They both sat on the chair with Rosé and Jisoo, "You guys did you hear, Ms. Nancy Lisa's teacher died in a car accident, they said she lose control of the break." Rosé said breaking the silence.

"Yeah, Its sad but I don't really like her, so I can't empathize...but its a pity she died" Lisa said faking sadness but thank the Lord that teacher got killed, she was really getting into her nerves.

"Yeah..." Jisoo drink a glass of juice, they are all both immersed in talking and eating they don't notice the grin on Jennie's face.

Jennie is proud that Lisa is appreciating her works feeling all giddy, she cleared her throat and excuse herself to go to the bathroom.

Lisa pointed where the bathroom is, it was upstairs. Jennie did not went to the bathroom but snuck into Lisa's room stealing some used underwear and putting hidden cameras on her room.

-but Jennie didnt notice the hidden room in Lisa's closet because she was afraid to get caught so she quickly went out, washed her hands and going back down.

"Umm, I'll be getting my phone charger I think I left it on my room" Lisa said walking upstairs towards her room, when she opened the door she suddenly feels thats something was off but she ignored it finding her charger.

When Lisa found her charger, she was about to get out of the room when she saw her laundry is in a mess, she clearly remember it was organize because it has to be washed in the washing machine.

Lisa shrug her shoulders didnt think any deeper, then she remembered the cup that Jennie drink from. She quickly went downstairs to the kitchen getting Jennie's used glass, and making sure that her friends didnt notice.

She safetly went back to her room, adding it to her personal collections but before she put the cup in inside the secret room she licked the cup tasting Jennie's saliva.

"Delicious" she smiled a pool of wetness came between her legs, she bite her lips and ignored the signs that she is horny, going back down.

"How about we do some truth or dare?" Jisoo suggested getting a used bottled water for them to spin.

"Yeah! What's the punishment?" Rosé quickly agreed because she is whipped for Jisoo.

"Umm! She's gonna cook our dinner" Lisa raised her hands suggesting, they all agreed.

They spun the bottle and it pointed to Rosé, "Truth or Dare?"


"What's your biggest fear?" Jisoo smiled warmly, making Rosé blushed and afraid to answer because she might stutter.

"I-i, I'm afraid of needles, its just to scary I can't take it" Rosé laugh awkwardly.

"Boring question!" Lisa booed Jisoo, Jisoo glared at Lisa as a joke but Jennie saw it as a threat, Jennie looked at Jisoo glaring her eyes but she can't kill the girl because she's Lisa's sister so she let it be, for now.

Spinning the bottle again it landed on Jennie, Rosé saw this as an opportunity to get Lisa and Jennie closer together.

"Truth or dare Jennie?" Rosé ask her voice sound a little bit like she's teasing the girl.

"Dare" Jennie said with no emotions staring at the bottle thats now on her hands.

"Hmm! This might be a hard thing, just give me a minute to think" Rosé touched her chin with a look of determination on her face.

"Jennie, I dare you to put Lisa on your lap for the whole game!" Rosé said clapping her hands, she knows the that Jennie has that thing between her legs and its also a chance for Lisa.

"Okay" Jennie lift Lisa up making the younger girl squeel in surprise Jennie put Lisa on her lap.

-and because Lisa is shy, she might be Jennies stalker and this is an opportunity but she just can't do it due to her shynness towards the girl.

She squirms on Jennie's laps making the girl groan Lisa stop her wiggling and look at Jennie with wide eyes, "Stop squirming or you will woke the beast up" Jennie whispered in Lisa's ear.


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