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Lisa is walking in the schools hallway, looking for Jennie. Lisa's school mate is giving her looks of love and adoration but she pay no attention to them.

She went to Jennie's spot, Lisa saw Jennie sitting under the tree sketching something. When she got a closer look, Lisa was surprise to see herself being drawn.

Back hugging Jennie, Lisa rest her chin on Jennie's shoulders. "What are you doing here?" Lisa ask tracing her fingers on Jennie's face.

"I'm eating lunch" Jennie answered kissing Lisa on the side of her lips, Jennie leaned back on Lisa's touch.

"Come and eat with me on the cafeteria" Lisa invited Jennie looking at her picture sketch on Jennie's notebook amaze because of the details.

"I'm good, its hassle when everybody looks at you, I prefer to stay as a nobody than get attention" Jennie answered Lisa's invitation.

"Your loss, well I'm hungry. Please, eat well okay? Don't starve yourself or you might get sick" Lisa patted Jennie's head like a child.

"Yes, mom" Jennie rolled her eyes playfully making Lisa giggle.

"I prefer you call me mommy" Lisa wink at Jennie's stunned face quickly running back inside the school, Jennie shake her head on Lisa's antics.

Jennie quickly finish her sandwich and went to the cafeteria, to just look at Lisa eating, she will not show herself to Lisa but just observe the younger girl.

When Jennie arrive there as usual the cafeteria is rowdy full of students, like a cliché school this is they have their own rankings and table.

She sat on the table beside the cafeteria's door, hidden away from Lisa's sight, who is with her friends laughing.

She looks happy, Jennie thought smiling at Lisa. She observe her for awhile when Lisa turned her head unto Jennie's direction, Jennie quickly hid herself.

Lisa felt someone is looking at her when she turned towards the direction she felt something, she saw some students not looking at her but eating their food happily in their own world.

Shaking her head Lisa turned towards her friends, "Lisa are you still single? My cousin Jungkook likes you, maybe you could give him a chance." One of Lisa's friends said.

"I'm sorry but I can't" Lisa don't know what label she have with Jennie yet, when that naive girl didnt even ask her to be her girlfriend.

"Why? He's coming today and I think you'll like him" Lisa's friends pushed giving Lisa a smile, Lisa look at her and shaking her head no.

"I'm sorry again but I really can't" Lisa is worried because if Jennie will see her with others I'm sure the girl will kill them.

"Just this once and if you still don't like him, just say it to me because I will explain to him" Lisa's friend smiled at Lisa.

"Fine but if something happened to him don't blame me..." Lisa sigh, her friend gave her a big hug.

Meanwhile, Jennie has no clue what is happening. She quickly went out the cafeteria before Lisa will spot her, Jennie run into Rosé who's gloomy.

"Hey, what's the matter?" Jennie put her hands on Rosé's shoulder looking at the girls eyes.

"I think Jisoo hates me" Rosé told Jennie breaking down in front of the older girl, she put her forehead on the crook of Jennie's neck.

"Why? What did you do?" Jennie caress Rosé's head while the other girl cried on her shoulder, fully letting out the tears.

"I was doing my project with a boy classmate in the library when he suddenly kissed me, Jisoo saw what happened, she just stared at me coldly and left" Rosé explained.

"Hmm, and what's the name of the boy you were with?" Jennie ask clenching her other fist and kissing Rose's head.

"Jimin...Park Jimin" Rosé cried loudly like a baby.

"Wifey, I got you okay...I'm gonna make sure he will get some good beating" Jennie chuckled softly and hugging Rosé fully.

"Keep your hands to yourself Jennie Kim" Lisa came up behind them, Jennie quickly retrieve her hands from Rosé's back and smiling at Lisa innocently.

"Hey, Lis! Don't worry, Jennie's yours she was just comforting me." Rosé smiled weakly at Lisa, making the latter worried.

"Hmm? What's the problem, Rosie?" Lisa ask going to Rosé's side.

Jennie explained what happened to Lisa, "I'm sorry if I hurt your sister" Rosé apologize to Lisa crying again.

"No-no baby chipmunk its not your fault, its the one who kissed you because he harassed you" Lisa told Rosé, to comfort her.

While Lisa hug Rosé, Lisa signaled Jennie to do something, "You know what to do" Lisa mouthed to Jennie.

Jennie quickly made her way out of the school planning something while Lisa and Rosé was left, Lisa stayed comforting Rosé.

Calling Jisoo her sister she ask her older sister to come to school, Jisoo quickly make her way to Lisa's school.

When she arrived, Jisoo saw Rosé on Lisa's embraced. She slowly went to them and watch Lisa comfort the other girl.

While Rosé is distracted Lisa explained what really happened and that made Jisoo angry, she was about to search for the boy and hurt him herself but Lisa stopped her saying Jennie is already giving the boy a hard time.

I'm sure Jennie only threatened the boy and not kill him because if she did our friends will realize, Lisa thought to herself but of course Jennie don't know because Jimin is already dead.

Jisoo snatch Rosé away from Lisa and hug the younger girl, "I'm sorry, I never listened to your explaination. Next time I'm staying for sure" Jisoo kissed Rosé on her forehead making Rosé cry more snuggling closer to Jisoo.

Jennie arrived smiling brightly Lisa drag her away from the two, "So did you threaten him?" Lisa ask Jennie.

"What do you mean threaten? That boy is dead...wait was I supposed to not kill him?" Jennie stared at Lisa dumbfounded.

"Yes, you stupid...Now Jisoo and Rosé will realize that you killed him, how do we explain this? Jisoo will throw me in the ward again" Lisa paced back and fort.

"Don't worry I'll take the blame, I will tell them you did not know I killed him" Jennie consoled the younger girl.

"How about you?" Lisa hold Jennie's hands looking into Jennie's eyes directly.

"Don't worry I'm rich" Jennie smirk, making Lisa hit her in the back of her head.

"Stop joking!" Lisa shouted annoyed at Jennie that she doesn't take their problems seriously.

"Don't worry my baby, I'm always fine if I'm with you" Jennie said trying to console the other girl.

"Come with me let's go home, I want to have angry sex" Lisa drag, Jennie who is stunned and can't speak.


I'm sorry if I used BTS as the villain here, I can't think of other names. I'm sorry if I offended some Army's...

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