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Jennie and Lisa is chilling out, inside Jennie's house. The two of them are watching movies, when someone knock on the door.

Lisa opened the door to see some cops, she looks surprise but put on an act. Why are they here? Did they found out? Lisa thought while fake smiling at the cop.

"What's the matter officer?" Lisa ask the cops, leaning against the doorway, blocking the cops to get inside or even look inside.

"Have you guys seen this boy?" The cop showed Jungkooks picture, making Lisa curse Jennie in her head.

"Yes, officer I was with him four days ago we were having a friendly date together with my friends but why are you asking? Did something happened?" Lisa look at the police with no emotion.

"He went missing two days ago, apparently he is still missing" the cop told Lisa.

"Hey! Who's at the door?" Jennie went outside with only a boxers and a T-shirt, she saw Lisa and some cops looking at her.

"Jennie! Your clothes!" Lisa shouted scolding Jennie, Jennie quickly went back inside to change her clothes.

"I'm sorry, that was innapropriate" Lisa apologize to the cops while awkwardly smiling.

"Its okay Ms. Who was that by the way?" The cop ask Lisa curious of the beautiful girl he just saw, Lisa glared at the cop but smiled again to hide her irration.

"My girlfriend" Lisa boast while the cop look at Lisa apologetically not knowing she is her girlfriend.

"Okay, Good day Ms. and call us if the missing person calls you" The cops bowed and went away, Lisa closed the door seeing Jennie looking at her.

Crossing her arms, Lisa looked at Jennie with no emotion. Jennie scratch her head, no idea of what's going on.

"The cops just surveyed about the missing person which you killed two days ago. Yes, his name is Jungkook" Lisa glared at Jennie.

"Don't worry I erased all the evidence, nobody will know except the two of us" Jennie smiled innocently at Lisa.

"You better be, and why were you not wearing clothes properly?" Lisa told Jennie, flopping on the couch.

"I didnt know it was cops" Jennie said sitting next to Lisa and putting the younger girls legs on her lap and giving it a massage.

"Even thought it was not cops, so you want to flaunt your body to everyone? I'm the only one who can see your body, okay?" Lisa stared at Jennie eyes.

"Yes Ma'am" Jennie did a salute at Lisa while smiling and proceed to massage Lisa's feet again.

"By the way, got another mission for you" Lisa told Jennie while looking at her new polished nails.

"What?" Jennie sounded excited waiting for Lisa's orders, who am I gonna kill next? Jennie thought to herself.

"No, your not killing anybody your coming with me to my family dinner" Lisa said to Jennie breaking the girls hopes.

"Yeah, sure anything for you" Jennie smiled brightly, forgetting that she was sad a minute ago.

"They don't really accept me and Jisoo as one of them, they kick us out of the house and Jisoo took care of me looking for part time jobs to feed us.

She was only 17 and I was 12, we are five years apart but thankfully my sister is smart, she graduated and became a prosecutor at a young age.

Our family only invites us to boast their good life and riches in front of Jisoo and me, they also flaunt their stick boyfriends who is freaking ugly.

We don't like going but they would send someone to fetch us if we don't go, so we have no choice." Lisa told Jennie her family secret.

Jennie hugged Lisa putting the younger girl on her lap, kissing her forehead while comforting Lisa.

"Don't worry we will make them pay, I'll humiliate them ten fold for what they did to you, don't worry ppu-ppu I'll take care of it" Jennie told Lisa with no emotion.

"-but before that Jisoo is already 22? Then Rosé likes older girls, wow!" Jennie laugh trying to brighten the mood which worked.

"Yeah, its kind of funny but age doesn't matter, its the size that matters" Lisa wink at Jennie making the older girl blush.


"What my stalker getting shy now are we?" Lisa laugh at Jennie's flushed face.

"We just finished three rounds don't ask for more or I'll pound you until you can't walk" Jennie suddenly said looking at Lisa with dark eyes.

"-but I want more...Mommy" Lisa bites her lips staring at Jennie, who carried her making Lisa squeel in surprised.

Jennie throw Lisa at her bed, Jennie quickly undress her clothes while Lisa watches her lust glooming around her eyes.

"Mmm, does my baby want more? I'll give it you" Jennie smiled evilly while pulling Lisa's legs towards her.

( Mature Scene Skip)

"I- shit, I seriously can't walk. I was freaking joking!" Lisa grumbles her pussy aching so bad because Jennie drilled her.

"Don't joke like that because I take jokes seriously" Jennie told Lisa while laughing, Lisa glared at her girlfriend.

"Make me food, I'm tired" Lisa orders Jennie, making the older girl laugh again but followed Lisa's orders going down to cook some food.

The doorbell rang once again, Jennie grumbles quickly putting on appropriate clothes. Jennie opened the door to see Rosé and Jisoo smiling at her.

Jennie closed the door on both their faces, Rosé and Jisoo look at the closed door with stunned look. They shouted at Jennie to let them in.

"You embicile stop hording my sister and give her back to me this ain't her house!" Jisoo banged at Jennie's door.

"Lisa's my captive now, you can't take her!" Jennie shouted back blocking the door with all her might because she didnt lock it on time, now Jisoo's pushing it.

"Give her back to me or you can't marry her!" Jisoo threatened Jennie but of course it didnt work.

"Who cares if you don't want me to marry Lisa, I'll kidnapped her and we will run away" Jennie told Jisoo while out of breath because of the force she gives to the door.

"You shit!" Jisoo shouted pushing hard, Jennie suddenly opened the door making Jisoo fall on the floor, Jennie laughed at her.

"You!" Jisoo pointed her fingers and was about to chase Jennie but she was stopped by Rosé, Jisoo calmed down but her glare stayed looking at Jennie's eyes.

"What's with the shouting?" Lisa ask groggily going downstairs limping with only a towel around her body, Lisa shouted in surprise when she saw her sister.

Jisoo look at Jennie and Lisa taking the hint, "You fucking Jerk come here and I'll burry you alive! You fuck my sister you shithead!" Jisoo chased Jennie again around the house, Jennie screamed for the first time in her life she's feeling scared.

"I can't help it she's sexy!" Jennie shouted back making Jisoo run after her more.

"You punk!"


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