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"How is it my fault Jennie! You said you'll runaway with me and you don't love Lisa, you even said I'm the only one you love!" Rosé retorted back at Lisa while smirking.

"Jennie Kim! is that true!" Lisa shouted glaring hard at the girl who's kneeling in front of her.

"Yes but-" Jennie was cut off by a slap, multiple gasp can be heard across the room while Rosé stared feeling a little guilty.

"What the fuck Jennie! So you don't love me?! Are you fooling with me!?" Lisa slap Jennie again on her other cheek while the older girl stayed still receiving all the blows Lisa gave her.

"I'm not fooling with you! We were just joking with each other, Rosé is just teasing me!" Jennie tried to explain herself but Lisa already turned her body away from Jennie, Jisoo glared at Rosé making the girl glare back.

"Show me how much you love me then! Why dont you pull out a ring out of nowhere and propose to me, then I'll forgive you!" Lisa thought that Jennie can't do that but of course Jennie proved her wrong.

Jennie stayed on the floor kneeling, "I was planning to propose to you in a much better place but I guess, I need to propose right now to prove how much I love you"

Lisa stared in shock, she didnt know that Jennie is planning to propose to her now she felt like a bitch because she ruined Jennie's plan.

"Would you like to marry me? This is how much I love you" Jennie smiled brightly her cheeks mark with fingerprints from Lisa's slap.

Lisa can't form words because of the mixture of emotions shock, surprise, and guilty, she nodded her head in response. Jennie put the ring on Lisa's finger kissing the other girls hands.

"So...can I leave now? I'm wasting time here" Rosé grumbles, ready to leave the place when Jisoo stop her by gripping her hand.

"Let go of me!" Rosé wiggle but of course Jisoo is much stronger than her, she pout looking away.

"When did you arrive?" Jisoo ask Rosé gently like she was not just angry with the other girl.

"Yesterday, can you let go of my hand now? I'm going somewhere" Rosé sigh looking at their hands that was clasp hard together.

"Are you not gonna say sorry?" Jisoo glared at Rosé but the other girl just look at her with no emotions.

"Why would I say sorry?" Rosé pulled away her hand, she can't leave now Jennie is blocking the entrance of the restaurant stopping her from leaving, so she just sat down and drank Lisa's left over coffee ignoring Jisoo's cup.

"What do you mean?! I saw you with some other girls!" Jisoo shouted at Rosé but the latter ignored her, still drinking Lisa's coffee.

"Rosé!" Jisoo shouted in frustration, she slump on the chair next to Rosé rubbing her face, Jisoo sigh putting her head down on the table.

"Are you tired now? You don't want me anymore?" Jisoo said sadly stopping the tears from coming, still staring at the table.

"I'm not tired I'm just annoyed! I came home early leaving my family at New Zealand just to say sorry to you because you ignored me for days, it was my cousin in the picture for God sake but I came home seeing you with other two guys happily eating at this restaurant! What would you like me to do, greet you with a happy face?!" Rosé finally exploded, she pulled her hair and let out a growl.

"You stupid!" Jisoo shouted her tears finally came, she cried while punching Rosé repeatedly. Jisoo finally calm down leaning on Rosé's chest, snuggling into the girls warmth.

"I don't even know why your crying, and your suppose to be 5 years older than me" Rosé sigh rubbing Jisoo's head and combing through her hair.

"I'm sorry, I didnt know... I'm also sorry I didn't trust you and came into a conclusion myself" Jisoo sniffles staring at Rosé's eyes.

"Its alright...at least I get to see you" Rosé hug Jisoo tightly, patting her crying girlfriend's back.

"I'm very sorry!" Jisoo break down in front of Rosé and Rosé just pulled her closer, hugging her tighter than ever before.

"Stop crying, your so out of your personality. Where's my bubbly Jisoo at?" Rosé kissed Jisoo's puffed up cheeks due to crying.

"Isn't this too early to propose Jen? I haven't said anything before because I don't want to ruin the moment but you two haven't even graduated yet" Rosé told Lisa and Jennie still holding Jisoo.

"I'm just proposing, the wedding will commence after we graduate and its about 5 months away from now" Jennie explained looking at Lisa smiling.

"Well its your choice, just make sure your happy with each other" Rosé congratulate the two girls.

"Are you finish crying now, big baby?" Rosé teased Jisoo while the older girl punch her.

"I love you" Jisoo puck out her lips wanting a kiss from Rosé which the girl oblige, kissing Jisoo with tenderness.

"Mm" Rosé hummed out but Jisoo pouted punching her again, glaring at her.

"Fine fine, I love you to. Now don't be grumpy and show me a happy face" Rosé pinch Jisoo's cheeks making the other girl form a smile.

"Rosé, you stay away from Jennie!" Lisa shouted at Rosé, while Rosé just scratch her head lookings round innocently

"Why? I don't even like Jennie" Rosé reasoned out putting her hands up like she's surrendering.

"Just stay away from her" Lisa grumbles but Rosé teased her more by sticking out her tongue at Lisa.

"Fine" Rosé surrendered but of course that was a lie, she can't really do that so she will wait until Lisa forgets about it.

"Jisoo can you scold your sister she's bullying me!" Rosé pouted her lips looking at Jisoo with her puppy dog eyes.

"No! You deserve it, you teased me to so we are even now" Jisoo smirk at Rosé, while Rosé pouted defeated because none of them will take her side.


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