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Jennie knew what she was doing with her mouth, and Lisa found herself trembling again as Jennie's hot tongue rasped against the tip of hers.

Her restless hand slid from her mouth and back down to her underwear, and as Jennie slid beneath the slippery fabric and eased one finger inside her, Lisa couldn't keep herself from whining into Jennie's mouth.

Jennie turned her finger inside Lisa and beckoned towards her vaginal wall, Lisa's tremble turned into a shudder. Her hips rocked against Jennie of her own accord, and she felt Jennie's smile in satisfaction against her mouth.

Jennie was burning hot; Lisa could feel her body heat even through their layers of clothes and as she tried to frantically inhale enough air to stay conscious, Jennie's scent overloaded her senses.

She was musky and spicy, and a little bit sweaty; exactly what she would have expected from a her stalker, and she groaned as she felt her body start to surrender.

Jennie slid a second finger inside her and increased the pressure on her clit she drew her feet up to her ass, pushing against the mattress to lift her hips closer to Jennie's hand.

"Fuck, Lis," Jennie groaned as she finally came up for air. "Don't be mad okay? I have killed Silvy, its all taken cared of okay?" Jennie twirled and flexed her fingers inside her, and Lily almost choked on her response.

"Tsk, I still can't forgive you" she replied, biting her lip as a wave of heat sent delicious pulses of pleasure straight to the spot inside her that Jennie was rubbing with her finger tip. Her muscles were starting to contract, and she knew he could feel it too.

"Jesus," she went on. "Forgive me will you, I'll buy you everything you want and I'll fuck you good"

"My, I wonder what will you do if you found out, my friends set me up on a date" Lisa said, her voice artificially sweet, and Jennie chuckled.

"Let's shut that fucking smart mouth of yours, baby" Jennie whispered. She slid one more finger into her, and changed the angle of her stroking, and heat flooded Lisa's senses like a tidal wave.

"Oh, god!" she groaned, and her toes curled into the bed as she lifted her hips closer to Jennie once again.

Jennie leaned in for another kiss, all stubble and muskiness and moaning in appreciation at the sounds that she was making, and Lisa lost it.

The muscles in her vagina squeezed Jennie's fingers hard, pulsing in rhythm as Lisa whined into Jennie's mouth and collapsed back down into the sheets.

Jennie let Lisa turn her head away from her mouth so that she could nuzzle the side of her neck until the tension eased back out of her body.

"Fuck yeah, baby," Jennie whispered as she slid her hand to the waistband of her pants.

"Now I'm gonna let you come on my cock." Jennie loosened her pants and shoved her boxers out of the way, and Lisa found herself staring, fascinated as Jennie's cock sprang to attention, pre-come glistening on the head as it bobbed against Jennie's rock hard abs.

Jennie caught her looking and smiled, slid her fingers around his cock and gave it a couple of lazy strokes of her palm for Lisa's benefit. Jennie's fingers fit around her shaft easily, but Lisa knew from the size of her hands that her own fingers would have no chance.

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