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I fix my suit while sweat is streaming down my face, looking st my watch from time to time holding a bouquet of blue flowers.

Get your shit together Jennie Kim! slapping my face and pacing back and fort contemplating to knock on the door but I finally found courage.

I knock on the door, Lisa opened it staring at me while sighing. "This is your house, why are you standing outside? You could have just waited inside" Lisa messed up her hair but still looking perfect with the messy look.

"Why are you doing this again?" Lisa leaned on the doorframe crossing her hands looking at me intently, looking at me up and down but soon blushed seeing how attractive I am. Smirking at her, I pat my shoulders dusting off the imaginary dust that was never there.

"You said you want to go on a date...you look perfect so no need to change, oh here's a gift" I analyze her then handed her the blue flowers, assisting her towards my car.

"Are you gonna take me to your human farm?" Lisa suddenly ask while bucking herself up, pulling on the seatbelts.

"No I'm not gonna take you there" I told her seriously, my human farm don't have that much human yet so I can't take her there.

She stared at me in shock, I stared in wondering why she's surprised. "You really have a human farm? I was just joking about you having a Human farm" she ask her eyes widening from the information.

"Um yes? my farm isn't full yet, I'll take you there when it will have more humans" I told her, staring straight ahead driving.

I heard a sigh but a soft chuckle, she brushed her hands on my nape and twisting my hair between her fingers looking at me.

"I don't know why but hearing you talking about killing someone makes you look cute somehow" I look at her briefly, then stared back at the road again but I didn't miss the smile on her face.

"Stop looking at me, I'm very sensitive this days" I told her while ignoring my aching cock.

"My-my-my" Lisa laugh evilly while cupping my cock through my pants, my eyes widen trying to move away from her grasp but can't because I'm driving it could lead us to an accident.

"S-stop, t-his i-is not d-decent we can't do that..." I mustered up the courage to say those words but it came out as a stutter, I flinch when she grip tighter.

"If you say so" She took her hands of putting her hands up while staring at the window beside her chuckling silently.

Sweat trickled down my face, I want a cold shower. We arrived at our destination when we got out of the car, I quickly adjusted my tightened pants while Lisa stared at me laughing.

It was a dark place but it lighten up, when Lisa walk towards the path she stared in amazement taking a picture of everything. Putting my hands on the pockets of my pants, I followed her quietly.

Fireflies swarmed the place making it magical, she squealed running towards the picnic mat under the tree which seems to be lighten up by the fireflies.

"If you will proposed now, please do it!" Lisa laugh running around the place but I know she was just kidding.

I guess I could do it another time, I shrug my shoulders feeling the small box inside my pockets. Next time I will plan it and not get help from my friends, I need to learn what method Lisa likes to be propose so that I can prepare.

Lisa run towards me jumping towards my arms, we rolled on the mat while she giggled like a child placing a kiss all over my face.

"I like this! Look at the fireflies, there is so many!" Lisa and I laid down on the mat looking up, staring at the branches of the trees filled with light.

"Are you hungry? Want to eat?" I ask her sitting up straight staring looking through the basket, Moonbyul have no taste for foods. I look at the basic ass sandwiches inside the basket, will Lisa like this?

I gave her a sandwich, she sat up thanking me. She took a big bite, tasting the food. She likes it, oh well at least this kinds of food makes her happy.

"I want to sleep here" Lisa munch on her food looking around the place, looking if its safe to sleep in.

"Uh, but I hate mosquitoes" she grumbles looking sad, Lisa really wants to sleep in this place? Is she for real?

"Lis, this place is mosquito free. See this flowers all over the place? Mentha pulegium also called Pennyroyal basically it repels mosquito and has an amazing smell" I explained it to her.

"Yeah, sure...no mosquitoes I got it, then let's sleep here!" She scratch her head flopping down on the mat, she turned and turned. Lisa sigh sitting up again, looking around and her eyes landed on me.

"I can't sleep I don't have pillows" She complained crossing her arms pouting looking sad, kissing her lips and I pulled her closer to my arms using them as a pillow for her head.

She snuggled closer inhaling my scent, then soon after I hear a light snores. Looking up at the tree, that was filled with fireflies gone and it was replace by the night sky.

I wish we could stay like this forever. I promise, I Jennie Kim will not or ever will be leaving Lalisa Manoban.

I kissed her on the top of her head, I look at her sleeping face, her mouth that was slightly parted and her doll like features is perfect.

Slightly kissing her parted lips, I felt like a stranger taking advantage of a beautiful girl but I can't stop it my lips is perfectly made for her.

After watching her for sometime, I soon started to get sleepy with Lisa I always have a goodnight sleep. My eyes betrayed me but my lips stayed as they are, smiling towards the night sky.

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