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After their dinner together Lisa and Jennie became close, not friends close but the one that you can't separate close.

"Jennie want to get ice cream?" Lisa acted cute, students around the hallway stop and stared at Lisa. Jennie glared at them, making the scatter and they all went back to what they were doing.

"School isn't over yet pumpkin" Jennie ruffled Lisa's hair, making Lisa pout acting cute again.

"Fine..." Jennie finally approved can't reject Lisa's cuteness, Lisa hopped in excitement to Jennie's car. Lisa immediately buckled herself, while Jennie drive them to an ice cream shop.

The shops bells dinged indicating customers, the old lady that is selling ice cream stared at Lisa and Jennie with a gentle smile.

"Hi! What can I get for you cuties" the old lady smiled brightly while staring at the two.

"Umm, I can't pick...Jen can you please pick for me?" Lisa said giving Jennie the puppy eyes making Jennie's legs go weak, she cleared her throat and compose herself.

"Sure darling" Jennie smiled facing the menu, for about a minute Jennie finally pick their flavors.

"One milk ice cream and chocolate" Jennie stared at the old lady with no emotions but when she looked at Lisa, like a switch her eyes show adoration to the younger girl which the old lady notice.

"Are you to together? You look so sweet" The old lady stared at Jennie's arms around the younger girls shoulder.

Lisa smiled brightly while the cold Jennie hide her blush and stop the smile that keeps coming out.

"Um, no we are not...yet" Lisa whispered the last part which Jennie didnt hear, Lisa look up to Jennie and give her the brightest smile.

"Yeah, were not...by the way what's your name old lady?" Jennie ask the shop lady, ready to reward her because she thought Lisa and her is a couple.

"Helya but call me grandma instead" Helya told them reaching out her hand for them to shake which the two accepted.

"I think you will have a great fortune this week, expect great things to happen" Jennie smiled making sure that her company will invest in this small business.

"Well thank you dear...expect happiness also!" Helya smiled giving them both their ice creams, Jennie gave 100 dollars which exceeds their payment.

"Keep the change" Jennie said rubbing her Lisa's shoulder making Lisa shiver from Jennie's touch wanting to kiss the older girl.

"I can't- Fine but there will be no next time, and thank you!" Helya bowed her head making Jennie sign thats its fine, making Jennie realize its her first time doing an act of kindness.

Jennie shaked her head guiding Lisa to sit beside the window, she also sat in front of her. Jennie put down both their ice creams.

Lisa started to eat her ice cream, Jennie notice Lisa's hair bothering the girl she stood up from her sit and walk towards Lisa.

"Stay still" Jennie took her own hair tie and tied Lisa's hair into a lose pony tail, after she finished tying she kissed Lisa's head.

Lisa look down at her ice cream a blushing mess, she just received a kissed from her long time crush.

Looking at Lisa proudly, Jennie secretly took a picture of Lisa and setting it as her wallpaper. This paper is decent like not her other once so its worthy to be her wallpaper.

Lisa finish her ice cream while Jennie hasn't, Lisa look at Jennie's ice cream wanting to eat it. Jennie push her ice cream into Lisa's direction.

"Eat, I'm full anyway...its okay" Jennie smiled warmly, Lisa gave her a shy thank you and ate Jennie's ice cream.

After they ate, they thanked Helya and drive to school, they arrived on time for their last subject. Jennie waved Lisa goodbye, while they went to their separate ways.

"Yow Jen, where did you go?" Rosé patted Jennie's back, Jennie hug Rosé. She pat her legs making Rosé sit on her leg.

Giving Rosé a back hug Jennie smiled warmly, "Rosé, I think I'm in love" Jennie snuggled her head in the crook of Rosé's neck.

"If that person you have a crush is me...I'm telling you dream on cause its not gonna happen" Rosé look back staring into Jennie's eyes suspiciously.

"Come on its obviously not you, your like my little sister" Jennie tuck Rosé's hair behind the girls ear making Rosé look at her with that 'really' look.

"Yeah sure, I know I'm hot but girl I also love someone already and I think she's more hot than you, no offense Jennie" Rosé leaned back on Jennie.

"No offense taken, but I like- no love someone and I think, I have a chance to be with them." Jennie said looking at her hands hugging Rosés waist.

"Then use your chance!" Rosé was happy for her friend but realize what will happen to her other friend Lisa? I think that girl will be heart broken seeing her crush with someone else.

Rosé and Jennie was talking but they did not realize Lisa was clenching Jennie's hair tie, staring at the two with jealousy because of their position.

Lisa was about to return Jennie's hair tie when she saw Rosé on Jennie's lap, I thought Rosé liked my sister? Lisa thought to herself.

She stomp back to her room in a bad mood, Lisa angrily write some words. 'They were too close' Lisa greeted her teeth.

Her classmates look at Lisa's angry back making them shiver, their idol is not happy but they mind their own business.

"Get off my lap now, any minute our teacher will come in" Rosé got off Jennie's lap and proceed to her own seat beside Jennie.

After school Jennie looked for Lisa around the school she still couldn't find the younger girl, she also ask Rosé but the girl also don't know where Lisa is.

Maybe she went home? Jennie thought, she shrug her shoulder driving towards Lisa's house, she decided that she will confess to the younger girl.

When she was driving in Lisa's neighborhood she saw Lisa walking with a boy laughing, her sight darkens.

She stop the car going towards them, she punch the boy. Lisa was about to turn around to see the attacker but her eyes was covered and she was carried.

Jennie thought to herself, 'I'll kidnap her now I can't wait any longer' she caress Lisa's hair, making the younger girl squirm.

"Your mine" Jennie whispered in Lisa's ear making Lisa stop squirming, Jennie? Lisa thought...

-and now Lisa is behaving she's sitting still with her eyes covered and her hands tied, Lisa was also excited but Jennie thought that Lisa is surrendering nowhere to go.


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