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Jennie is walking towards the mall happily, she is about to buy the Celine bags that Lisa want. When Jennie, went inside the mall, all the people inside it stopped to take a look at the beautiful woman that went in.

Her looks is different when she was in school, she wore school uniform and her hair is tussled when she go to school but today her hair is neat and she is wearing a suit because she just came from work at her company.

"Hey hot shot!" Some guy greeted her, he went near Jennie and wave his hands like a fool.

"What do you want?" Jennie ask annoyed because a man got close to her, she grumbles under her breath.

The guy laugh feeling himself, he thought he was enticing Jennie. "Give me your number, will you" the guy gave Jennie a charming smile, making Jennie wanting to vomit.

"I'm taken" Jennie simply said and she walk off, leaving the guy no chance to talk anymore.

She walk inside the Celine store, she was ignored by the staff because they thought she was just sightseeing.

Jennie look like a kid that went inside their favorite store, the staff thought that she was nothing important.

Jennie look around seeing no one was assisting her, she clench her teeth ready to explode in anger but she held it in.

She went towards the bag aisle, she whistled and starting to pick bags that would suit Lisa.

The sales ladies stared at Jennie, she thought the girl was causing trouble in their store. They quickly go near Jennie and called her attention.

"Ma'am, you can't do that here please leave" The sales lady ask staring mockingly at Jennie, Jennie turned her head and glared at the staff making them gulp in fear.

"What's the problem?" Jennie ask her patience running out, Should I just blow this place up? Jennie thought, thinking to herself.

"Ma'am your causing a ruckus" the sales lady sigh

"By how?" Jennie ask crossing her arms staring at them with no emotion, her child like personality is gone and it was replaced by the cold Jennie.

"Your misplacing the bags" the sales lady pointed out, Jennie greeted her teeth again.

"What's your name?" Jennie ask looking at the sales ladies name tag, looking for her name. "Um, Eve" the sales lady answered

"So eve why don't you help me, pack these bags because I'm buying all of them" Jennie simply said walking towards the counter, Eve stared in shock looking at the bags in her hands.

Eve counted them and it was exactly ten Celine bags, her eyes widen running towards the counter.

"I'm disappointed at the staff here" Jennie shake her head, looking around the store.

"I'm sorry, Ms." Eve bowed her head towards Jennie's direction, she was feeling guilty.

"Its okay, stand up" Jennie sigh, moving towards the counter to pay.

"Its 100, 567 dollars is your total maam" The girl at the counter stared in shock, looking at the number displayed at the monitor screen.

Jennie handed her black card tapping her foot, Eve went and pack the bags putting them in a plastic bag.

"Here's your card ma'am" the girl at the counter stared at Jennie admiring the young woman, she found Jennie cool.

"We are sorry again ma'am!" The staff bowed their heads all together, Jennie waved her hands and walking out of the store.

She walk towards the car but stopped when she saw someone familiar, she greeted her teeth looking at Lisa with some guy. Lisa was anxious looking around the place while the gur is trying to talk to her.

Then she remembered something Lisa told her when they were making love, 'My friends set me up on a date' that was the words Lisa told her.

She clench her fist, she saw Lisa's friends at the table. They were having a blind date, Jennie clench her fist walking towards the shops location.

The bells rang when Jennie opened the door aggressively, Lisa look towarss the door her eyes widening. Lisa look around finding a place to hide but she was too late.

"Let's go home" Jennie said holding on the bags, staring at Lisa ignoring the curious gaze Lisa's friends gave her.

"I don't know who you are but your ruining our date" Jungkook stood up glaring at Jennie but Jennie ignored him.

"Let's go home Lisa now" Jennie look at her watch, Lisa scrambled putting her items inside her bag shaking afraid of Jennie's gaze.

"Bye, I'm gonna go!" Lisa put the strap of her bag on her shoulder, standing up and going near Jennie but before she could reach Jennie's side her friends pulled her.

"I don't know who you are but your making Lisa uncomfortable" Lisa's friends said staring at their blind dates

Jennie ignored them again pulling Lisa next to her, Lisa and Jennie was about to get out of the restaurant when Jungkook stopped Jennie by putting his hands on Jennie's shoulder.

"Get your hands of my shoulder, you disgusting pest" Jennie said, Jungkook took his hands off. Jennie brushed an imaginary dust on her shoulders, Jungkook glared at Jennie.

"What's your problem woman!? Your ruining our date!" Jungkook shouted, Jennie clench her teeth and was about to punch the guy, when Lisa suddenly kissed her cheeks distracting Jennie.

"Wow! You bought this for me?!" Lisa said excitedly looking at the Celine bags Jennie is holding, Jungkook and Lisa's friends stared at Lisa dumbfounded.

"Yes, I bought them for you" Jennie's glare softens while looking at Lisa smiling at the girl.

"Who are you?" Jungkook stared at Jennie glaring at the girl because Lisa just kissed her.

"I'm Lisa's girlfriend" Jennie simply said, they all look at Lisa for conformation not believing Jennie.

"Yes, I forgot to introduce you. This is Jennie Kim my girlfriend" Lisa smiled brightly, Lisa stared at Jennie admiring the girl because she just said their status, even thought Jennie didnt ask her properly.

"What!? Then why are you having a date with me?!" Jungkook said smirking at Jennie like he won a lottery.

"I thought this is a friend date, nothing more?" Lisa told them shrugging her shoulders.

"What you bitch! So you fooled me!" Jungkook shouted, Jennie was about to pull the gun inside her pants to shoot the boy when Lisa stopped her.

The staff heard the commotion and went near them, they didnt saw Jennie and stared at the Jungkook.

"What's the matter sir?" The staff ask Jungkook, he smirk having a plan.

"Please, kick out this girl she's causing us trouble, by the way I'm the son of the manager here" Jungkook pointed at Jennie smirking at her, the staff turned their heads towards the girl.

The staff suddenly bowed their heads towards Jennie, "Good afternoon, Ms. Kim!" They all greeted even the waiters, all the staff inside the restaurant bowed their heads.

"What!?" Jungkook stared in shock.

"I forgot to tell you I own this place...so your father is the manager you said?" Jennie smiled evilly.


Don't worry guys, I won't stop writing this book. I was just pissed off, I was thinking of strangling the one who sent me the message. Hahaha but here's another chapter...

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