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"Jennie? What are you doing outside your house? Again..." Jisoo look at Jennie pitifully because Jennie has been sleeping outside for weeks.

"I don't know ask your sister" Jennie pouted shivering from the cold air

"I was told that I need to erase and block all the girls that message me but how can I when there's thousand of them!" Jennie slump on the sidewalk

"Just hack it then? I know someone who knows how to hack, I can get you to them" Jisoo suggested but she was surprised when Jennie suddenly slap her own head.

"The hell! Why didn't I think of that! It's okay Jisoo I know someone who can hack well!" Jennie got up going towards her car...but stop midway when she realize that her keys is on Lisa

Jennie stomp her foot out of annoyance and called his men to fetch her from her own house.

Jisoo watch Jennie sat on the bench looking like a lost child, waiting for her mommy to come and find her.

Jisoo shake her head looking away from Jennie's pitiful state and went inside the house, Jisoo saw Lisa watching a movie on the tv.

"Don't you want to let Jennie in?" Jisoo ask Lisa walking towards her and flopping on the couch

"Nah, this will distract her from killi- I mean going to the girls house that chatted her. I'm keeping her busy so she will not do something..." Lisa shrug her shoulders

"Keeping her busy by letting her sleep on the sidewalk? Your neighbors even put money beside her when she's sleeping because they thought she was homeless!" Jisoo stop herself from laughing

"Just let her be or she will do something that even you will not like, so if she's thinking of visiting someone...please, stop her okay?" Lisa ask Jisoo seriously

"Okay..." Jisoo remembered that Jennie will go somewhere, but she's sure that Jennie will just go to her friends that can hack her cellphone


"If I can't erase the text I can just kill the one who's sending the text so that they can't send me more text messages... I'm a genius!" Jennie clap her hands

"Ma'am, what can I help you with?" Her men ask her then a plan came into her mind

"Trace these girls, all of them and I want everyone to be dispatch and kidnap all these girls. Take their phones also" Jennie ordered her men

"Do it faster! I'm getting married, I can't enjoy my fucking honeymoon when I'm sleeping outside! I'll give you four days with no extension, I'm getting married a week after, you'll are invited!" Jennie shouted and her men howler in excitement

All of Jennie's men march towards their cars, after awhile only Jennie is left behind in their warehouse.

"Wait...why did I even sleep on the sidewalk when I can sleep on my hotels" Jennie stood up sighing going out with her hands on her pockets.


"Lisa my love open the door" Jennie knock on the door excitedly four days have passed and all the girls have been taken cared of

"No one will text me anymore except you and my family, also our friends so please let me in" Jennie immediately hug Lisa when she opened the door but the younger girl stared in suspicion

"What did you do?" Lisa ask Jennie crossing her arms and staring intently

"What I didn't do anything, I promise" Jennie defended herself, and because she's sure she didn't do anything wrong

"Hmm, how did you erase all the messages?"

"I thought you knew already? I killed them! Now no one can chat me anymore" When Lisa heard what Jennie said her eyes became wide and she stared at Jennie in shock

Lisa slap Jennie at the back of her head hard so that Jennie can get back her senses.

"Ouch! What did I do babe?" Jennie clutch her head while pouting Lisa sigh again

"Did you really kill all those freaking girls? What the hell! You could have just block them!" Lisa yelled at Jennie

"But they were to many, my hand hurt" Jennie hug Lisa to coax the girl so she can forgive her

"You could have hack them, you know how to hack but your common sense is not working...Where did my smart Jennie go?" Lisa sigh

"I didn't kill all of them! Some I auctioned..."

"That is much worse Jennie! I don't know what to do with you!" Lisa slump on Jennie's arms

"I'm sorry Lis, I will not do it again! I will ask for your permission first" Jennie kissed Lisa all over her face

"You better, I don't want you to kill innocent- Wait they are not innocent...fine I forgive you just because they were flirting with you and I hate that!" Lisa pouted and Jennie giggled at her soon to be wife's cuteness.

"So...Did you tell Jisoo that your quitting school?" Jennie ask Lisa still hugging her

"Yeah! Last night I called her, she was against it at first but when I explained that your desperate of my love and you will not let me go, she eventually agreed to it!"

"So I'm desperate?" Jennie ask looking at Lisa with one of her eyebrows raising

"Are you not? Cause I'll just get out, it's simpl-"

"No! I'm always desperate, I'm a desperate person... When I came out of my mothers womb I was already desperate!" Jennie kept talking but she was stop with Lisa's kiss

"Stop rumbling Kim, it doesn't fit you" Lisa laugh, she ruffled Jennie's hair. Jennie glared at Lisa playfully, missing her girlfriend Jennie kissed Lisa again

"I miss my yellow" Jennie rub her cheeks on Lisa's cheeks like a dog wanting to mark with her own scent

"Hmm, I miss you to" Lisa sigh in content, in Jennie's arms

"It's our wedding day next week, it's also your sister's wedding day" Jennie told Lisa excitedly

"Ready to be Mrs. Manoban?" Lisa joked but she received a glare

" I thought we are using Kim!"

"Hmm, but I want Manoban..." Lisa teased Jennie

"It's Kim!"

"Do you want me to not marry you? Cause I can just search for someone that's willing to take my last name..." Lisa look around having fun teasing Jennie but she stop when she heard Jennie's cries.

"I-i don't look for anyone, stay with me! We can use your last name, please just stay with me!" Jennie hug Lisa afraid to let her girlfriend go

"Oh...I was just joking, you cry baby!" Lisa laugh at Jennie's crying state, when Jennie realize it was just a joke she immediately stop crying and stared at Lisa with no emotion

"W-What is it" Lisa blush under Jennie's stare

"because you have been naughty I'll punish you" Jennie pinch Lisa's butt and lifting the younger girl, making Lisa squeal

"Let me down!"

"Stay still!" Jennie slap Lisa's butt, Jennie walk upstairs still carrying Lisa

When they arrive at their room Jennie throw Lisa at the bed, "Stay still my baby because Mommy will punish you"


Sorry I couldn't update last night, my wifi was acting up. I also don't have any signal because I'm at our farm house at the country side, to stay for the weekend...

but here's another chapter (灬º‿º灬)♡

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