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Jennie whistled getting out of a room full of blood scattered around her body but its not hers, rather its from someone else.

She went out and got into her car, driving straight towards her house to take a bath. When Jennie went inside, she heard someone singing.

Going to the kitchen, Jennie saw Lisa singing while cooking some noodles. Lisa turned around to see Jennie in a bloody mess smiling at her but Lisa didnt judge her appearance, she smiled warmly at Jennie and waving.

"You look so dirty, go and take a bath then you will get your kiss" Lisa told Jennie ushering her out of the kitchen, Jennie quickly run upstairs and she took a bath.

Jennie finished washing up, walking down the stairs. Lisa is putting bowls on the table for them to eat together, Jennie back hug Lisa kissing the younger girls neck, inhaling Lisa's scent.

"I'm sorry you had to see that" Jennie hug Lisa tighter, swaying Lisa from left to right like their dancing.

"I accepted who you are a long time ago, no need to feel embarrassed about yourself. What matters is your with me and we are happy" Lisa turned around cupping Jennie's cheeks and kissing her deeply.

"I love you" Jennie told Lisa, Lisa only smiled back but didnt say it back. Jennie knows that Lisa smile holds more, and she loves her back dearly without saying anything.

"By the way, Rosé posted on IG with some girl, now Jisoo is jealous. My sister didnt pick up, Rosé's calling but Jisoo is ignoring her" Lisa laugh telling Jennie the tea.

"Just let them be, I want to see some action" Jennie laugh at Jisoo's situation, eating the noodles Lisa cook.

"The date I was talking about, haven't been fulfilled yet. What are you gonna do now?" Lisa stared at Jennie expectant.

"Umm, I haven't thought of anything yet" Jennie scratch her head, Lisa looking away trying to act sad making Jennie guilty.

"I-i mean we can go to my warehouse, and enjoy killing people we-we could do that" Jennie suggested with some stutter on her voice.

"No! I want a decent date" Lisa pouted again, slamming her hands on the table and walking out of the dining area.

"Oh no! Lisa's upset, what should I do?" Jennie biten her nails anxiously, thinking of many possible ways to take Lisa on a date.

'We could bomb the White House or bomb our school, is it not enough for her? We could sell children and-and get money from that, I'm sure she will like that to' Jennie thought to herself pulling her hair.

Then she decided to call Irene because shes one of the people who knows besides Lisa that Jennie is a pyscho and a killer.

'Irene! I need your help' Jennie shouted at the telephone, Irene covered her ears and sigh putting it back again listening to Jennie's problem.

'Lisa wants to go on a date, I told her we can kill people on my warehouse but she said she wants a decent date...would she like me to bomb something? or we can do a massacre thats good to' Jennie told Irene.

Irene stared at her phone in shock of what she just heard, she shake her head sighing again and answering Jennie's question carefully so that the other girl won't misunderstood.

'Jennie, a decent date where you take your love one to a park or a place where y'all eat and talk about stuff or anything, a date is romantic...and your ideas is freaking horrible you idiot fucker, you want to take make her kill people for your first date? Stay sane shithead!' With her last sentence, Irene lost to her angriness and exploded.

Jennie stared at her phone looking confuse, Irene cleared her throat taking time and calming herself down.

'I mean a romantic date, take her to the beach or something. Do a picnic under the sun, go to a carnival every girl wants that and be a gentlewoman...or gentleman I don't know you have a dick soo, just be romantic I'm hanging up bye...don't call me again please' and just like that Irene put down her phone, she rub her face and grunted in frustration.

-but Jennie is still staring st her phone confuse, she called Sana because that girl is an expert. Sana is her other cousin, who helps her kill people sometimes.

'Sana, I need help' Jennie told Sana, but the girl is in a strip club watching some girls dancing on the pole, Sana sip her whiskey and answered Jennie.

'What kind of help?' Sana look at the girl shaking her ass in front of her and she put some money on the girls panty, she wink at the girl and slapping her butt.

'I'm taking my girlfriend on a date, I need help..." Jennie paced back and fort in the kitchen. Lisa is at their bedroom sulking reading some books.

'You have a girlfriend, I'm not updated...Welp, girls who's kinky like to be pounded good. Take her to a motel and fuck her hard, she will like it' Sana told Jennie her suggestion.

'Well she likes that kind of things, but she said decent and your ideas are not decent...' Jennie grunted angry because Sana can't give her real answers.

'What's your dEcEnt plan then?' Sana ask while putting some force on the word decent.

'I'll take her on a date, we will bomb the scho-' but before Jennie could finish her sentence, Sana hang up on her. Sana stared at her phone in shock, the fuck is that decent? Sana thought to herself.

"I'll call Moonbyul then" Jennie typed Moonbyul's number fast and called the girl.

'Hey, moon your the last person I could talk to...I'm taking Lisa on a date but Sana and Irene couldn't help me, I'm hoping you could' Jennie said to Moonbyul over the phone.

'I'll text you the address just come at 6:30 pm wearing casual clothes and buy some flowers and give it to her, I'll do everything and plan your date so don't worry!. I'm hanging up now bye!' Moonbyul quickly said and hang up like the other two girls.

I'll just do it myself because I know Jennie can't take someone on a date, she'd rather take them to their death Moonbyul thought standing up, to go and prepare for Jennie's date.

"Yes!" Jennie punch the air in happiness, this will make her happy and not be angry anymore Jennie patted herself while doing the dishes.


I'm sorry I couldn't update yesterday, I had to do overtime because of mothers day so we were busy, and my boss needed some extra hands.

Anyways here's another chapter....

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