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They arrive at Jennie's house, Jennie quickly look around looking if somebody is watching them or is someone present.

She drag Lisa inside the house, gently of course. She lay her down on the sit gently afraid to harm the woman.

"Oh, No I have been kidnapped! Don't tie me up please" Lisa said those words while she tie herself up on the chair while blindfolded.

Jennie looked at Lisa like she was crazy, "Lisa what are you do-" Lisa peeked through the blindfolds but Jennie didnt see because she was busy untying Lisa.

After Jennie untied her, Lisa went towards Jennie's bedroom. "Oh! No, don't touch me please I'm an innocent woman" Lisa shouted while climbing up Jennie's bed.

"Seriously Lis-"

"Are you gonna touch me now? What kind of kidnapper are you?" Lisa peeked through the blindfolds shaking her head at Jennie.

"Hmm what are you doing?" Jennie ask Lisa looking at the younger girl like she was crazy.

"Oh no! I'm surely not a virgin, Please don't do this to me, don't take my womanity in me!" Lisa said unbuttoning her blouse.

Jennie stared at Lisa in shock while Lisa is trying to open her blouse, "Help me take of my clothes...seriously if your a kidnapper take advantage of your victim" Lisa said that looking at her tied hands trying to unbutton.

"Lisa..." Jennie went to Lisa buttoning Lisa's blouse while Lisa stared at her in disbelief, Jennie sat beside her.

"I have wanted to tell you this...I now your scared that somebody kidnap you" Jennie look down at her hands, Lisa look at her. This bitch for real? Doesn't she know I was acting? Talking about naive...Lisa shakes her head.

Sometimes I don't get why I love this woman, Lisa thought to herself while listening to Jennie's words.

"I have killed multiple people-"

"I know" Lisa looked at her nails, not surprised of the information the brunette gave her.

"I also have- wait what?!" Jennie look at Lisa in surprise, her mouth agape while Lisa stared boringly.

"I have attached multiple cameras on your school uniform, You killed Nancy and Shen right?" Lisa sat down on the bad crossing her legs.

"-but how?"

"Your not the only who's good at stalking, and don't forget why did you stole my panties? Those were my favourites, you should have taken the ones on the drawer..." Lisa glared at Jennie.

"How did you found out?"

"My room has CCTV...didnt you notice?" Lisa said, the CCTV was placed on top of Lisa's bed but Jennie was afraid to get caught so she didnt notice.

"-and also, please get that bear its creeping me out. I know your the one who's watching but a red bear? You could have given me one on yellow, tsk."

"Your not scared of me?" Jennie look at Lisa straight in the eyes to see if there is any emotion of fear and disgust, Jennie sigh in relief when she found none.

"I'm not, You looked for me after school right? I was actually reviewing the footage I put on your clothes thats when I found out about this stalking thing" Lisa said caressing Jennie's arm.

"When will you tell me you like me? Just get on with it...I'm still mad about that Rosé scene" grumbling angrily Lisa tap her foot impatiently.

"I-"  Jennie couldn't speak she was startled because of the information she receive today.

"I- what? Your so good at killing and leaving no evidence behind but your actually bad at stalking...seriously?" Lisa said staring straight at Jennie's eyes.

"-and for your information, you just punch my cousin in the face. You should apologize after this scenario and maybe a bit of a tussle in bed with me" Lisa bite her lips.

"Well shit" Jennie fuck up her perfectly not so perfect plan, she stared in Lisa with adoration.

"Yeah, I know I'm amazing. Actually I'm in need of a partner in crime, I want you to kill Silvy, that bitch been eyeing you lately" Lisa clench her fist.

Jennie kiss Lisa on the lips suddenly, Lisa respond they kissed for awhile and then Jennie pulled away.

"I love you" Jennie hugged Lisa tightly giving the girl a tone of kisses.

"Took you long enough, I love you to" Lisa smiled at Jennie.

"So...what now, I didnt think my plan would be revealed this early" Jennie sigh flopping herself on the bed.

Lisa just finished talking with her family saying she was fine and the kidnapping was just a prank done by her friend.

"I know, so kill Silvy for me or I will" Lisa said glaring at Jennie which scared the older girl, Jennie Kim scared by a mere glance, well if its Lisa she's always scared.

"I will do it, I can't dirty my Lisa's hands" Jennie kissed Lisa's hands like a prince in a movie.

"I also want you to take me on a date and make a plan how to make my sister and Rosé get together, to be sure Rosé doesn't change her mind and reveal later that she likes you" Lisa pointed at Jennie.

"Rosé don't like me" Jennie defended herself putting her hands up innocently.

"Yeah sure if thats true why was she on your lap before, hmm?" Lisa crossed her arms waiting for Jennie's explanation.

"Thats how we act, don't worry she's like a baby sister to me" smiling at Lisa, Jennie kissed her again on the lips can't get enough of the younger girl.

"Okay that's enough, I can't take it anymore" Lisa pushed Jennie on the bed while straddling the older girl.


"Stay still, I'm trying to cuddle" Lisa said getting of Jennie and laying beside her snuggling closer.

"I'm still shock about this, my long time crush is stalking me." Lisa laugh outloud.

"Your also stalking me" Jennie laugh back scratching Lisa's back making the younger girl sleepy.

"We are both stalkers then" They both laugh outloud which can be heard all throughout the room.

"You know I escape the mental hospital with only my medicines, I hate it there but I tried to change my ways because of my sister. I killed her poor dog, but that killing intent is still there, my medicines is just a temporary thing.

When she found out I escape, I beg her to not take me back there she finally agreed, homeschooling me and then when I got better she enrolled me into Lei high.

I need you to calm me down and be my long time medicine and if you ever think of escaping I'm hunting you down." Lisa said kissing Jennie's neck.

"Same to you Lisa, I'm not planning on letting go! I'm gonna go crazy without my life support" Jennie hug Lisa tightly.

"When were you gonna tell me you have a dick?" Lisa suddenly ask


The fluff era starts now, your gonna see some possessive Jennie and a lot of jealous Lisa in the next chapters.

I turned down the gruesome part cause I know some of you all don't like reading that kinda stuff.

I'm getting better with my grammar not good but getting there, its still a long way so be patient with me.

Thank you everyone!

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