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"Okay, I'm hungry let's stop playing" Rosé suddenly got up and went to the kitchen, Lisa got up from Jennies lap.

Jennie adjusted her pants so that the girls will not see the bulge between her legs, while Lisa went upstairs to calm herself down.

"Do you think Jennie likes Lisa?" Jisoo ask Chaeyoung carefully eyeing Jennie who's in the sala sitting.

"I don't know, I only know that Lisa likes her, you know that to" Rosé said subconsciously leaning in to Jisoo to whisper.

"Mmm" Jisoo groan making Rosé's face heat up, Rosé was about to lean back but Jisoo stopped her, putting her hands on Rose's shoulder and pulling the girl towards her chest.

"I-, umm...Jisoo unnie?"

"Stay still, I like holding you" Jisoo whispered hugging Rosé tight, Jisoo kissed the top of Rosé's head and letting her go from her grasp.

Rosé stared dumbfounded to what just happened, scratching her head she proceed to eat her pizza while eyeing Jennie.

"Lis?" Jisoo called going inside Lisa's room seeing Lisa in the corner smiling like a lunatic, sometimes she don't get her sister.

"What are you doing there?" She ask her sister moving towards her but stopped when she saw Lisa's medication scattered all over the floor.

"Lis... Please, just take one medicine or you will be overwhelmed. Jennie will be scared seeing you like this" Jisoo moved towards Lisa picking up the medicines.

She takes medicine because it stops her from hurting or killing someone it was prescribed by her doctor, Jisoo took her there when Lisa killed dalgom their dog.

Lisa didnt think twice and took one medicine hearing that Jennie will hate her of she's acting like this.

"I'll be waiting downstairs, calm down and talk to Jennie" she looked at Lisa and went downstairs.

Lisa calm herself taking deep breaths and going down, she sat next to Jennie. Lisa looked at Jennie with longing eyes but the older girl didnt notice.

"Jennie...can I hug you?" Lisa carefully ask looking straight to Jennie's startled eyes.

"Uh...yeah sure" Lisa engulfed Jennie in a warm hug, Jennie looked at Lisa thinking of abducting the girl. Jennie licked her lips, wanting to devour the younger girl.

"Soon" Jennie whispered in Lisa's ear, making Lisa think, what's soon? Lisa shrug her shoulders letting it go.

Jennie is planning on kidnapping Lisa but she will do it later because its still too early, Lisa is letting go from the hug making Jennie disappointed.

"I'm gonna eat some food, want to come?" Jennie nodded her head, Lisa took Jennie's hands and intertwined their hands together.

When they reached the kitchen Lisa let go of Jennie's hands, Jennie thought its because of Jisoo not liking her for her sister makes Jennie go mad.

'Don't kill Jisoo, she's our Lisa's sister' a voice whispered in Jennies ear, she nodded her head patting her ear.

-but of course its not true, the reason Lisa let go of Jennies hands is because she's gonna cook their dinner, she lost on their game so she is doing the punishment.

"Okay, I'm regretting it now...Jennie can you please cook? I don't want Lisa to burn our house" Jisoo said smiling at Jennie.

I would like Lisa to burn my house, Jennie thought smiling. "Yeah, sure" nodding her head, she proceed to the kitchen seeing Lisa scratching her head in confusion.

"Your unnie said I'm gonna cook...she thought you'll burn the house" chuckling at Lisa's cuteness, Jennie walk towards Lisa taking off Lisa apron herself while Jennie is busy taking off her apron Lisa is blushing feeling Jennies hands all over her.

Lisa bite her lips to stop a moan from coming out, after Jennie take off the apron she immediately went out the kitchen in a hurry.

Jennie looked at Lisa dumbfounded, what did she do? Jennie punch her head thinking of something that made Lisa hate her, she bite her nails getting anxious.

Jennie cook their food with worries about Lisa hating her, she cooked Lisa's favorite food.

"Ohhh, Lisa its your favorite food!" Rosé shouted, Rosé looked at Jennie teasingly and of course Jennie get it, she immediately think of an excuse.

"Oh, this is Lisa's favorite? I cook it because I thought the ingredients match well with this kind of food, what a coincidence" Jennie fake her innocence, smiling because Lisa will taste her cooking.

"Yeah sure" Rosé wiggled her eyebrows,  if I'm not friends with her I would have killed her a long time ago, Jennie thought to herself.

"Come and eat" calling the two other girls they ate in an comfortable silence with Rosé chewing her food loudly.

"Rosé that's bad manners" Jennie scold Rosé wiping the girls mouth, the other two stare in jealousy but of course Rosé and Jennie didnt notice, continued to show affection to each other.

"What?! I like your cooking, its my favorite" Rosé pouted at Jennie, making Lisa clench her fist in anger ready to punch her best friend.

"Tsk" Jennie looked at Lisa seeing the other girl is eating, she got some food and putting it on Lisa's plate, Lisa looked up in surprise.

"Eat more, your so skinny its bad for your health" Jennie smiled warmly, making Lisa blushed nodding her head and quickly ate the food Jennie gave her.

She really hates me she don't even look at me in the eye, Jennie thought smiling sadly looking at Lisa. Shrugging her shoulders she proceed to eat her food.

"So I was thinking we all should sleep in the sala, so that Jennie can wake up all of us on time for school" Rosé suggested.

"I'm why would Jennie wake us up, when we have an alarm?" Jisoo ask looking at Jennie curiously.

"This bitch is always awake I think she might be a vampire she never sleep but I think she will sleep on the class later" Rosé said shaking her head.

"What you don't sleep?" Lisa ask worriedly, looking at Jennie with heart full eyes.

"Umm... I just can't sleep but don't worry I won't disturb any of you" Jennie raised her hands laughing, Rosé stare in wonder, its the first time Jennie laugh so much, she thought to herself.

"We will wash the dishes the two of you make our bed" Jisoo said to Jennie and Rosé, the two quickly nod their head and went upstairs to get some pillow and blankets.


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