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"How did you know all of that?" Lisa ask Jennie admiring the older girl and of course Jennie took this as a complement.

"I'm your stalker for a reason...so I should know everyone and anyone within 1 feet radius away from you" Jennie flip her hair feeling proud.

"Wait, so you knew about what happened this all time and I told you for no reason?" Lisa was starting to get angry.

"Yes, but I want to it from you because I want your full trust. I'm sorry if I'm doing something you dont like, you may punish me for my sins." Jennie suddenly kneeled in front of Lisa.

All the people stared at the girl who disrespected Marco but with only Lisa's words she succumb to obedience like a puppy.

"What the fuck are you doing?" Lisa ask Jennie embarrassed because of the girls actions, she glared at Jennie.

"Please punish me!" Jennie shouted all of the guest stared at her in shock, they never knew Jennie was this submissive.

"There is a movie all right" Jisoo chuckled at Jennie and her sister while drinking wine from the bar, looking at Marco who's glaring at the two.

Jisoo's cousin Kate who she hates came towards Jisoo and stared at her, "What?" Jisoo ask her annoyed.

"So your still single? Your sister became a slut first I guess?" Kate laugh like a dolphin making Jisoo choke on her wine and Jisoo burst out laughing.

"W-what are you laughing about!" Kate shouted annoyed at Jisoo, she glared like bird that didn't get any sleep making Jisoo laugh more.

"I-i can't b-breath, please...get away from me, every part of your body is laughable I might die laughing" After Jisoo said that, she grunts and leave.

-but she was walking like a duck who's fucked with a dick making Jisoo slump on the floor coughing out of breath because of her own laugh.

"Save me!" Jisoo laugh like a maniac, Jennie came over towards her in a hurry because Lisa might tell her that she's not taking care of her sister.

"What's the problem?" Like afraid to touch Jisoo, Jennie softly kick Jisoo who's dying of laughter like she's checking if the girl is dead.

"Are you dead? Please be dead" Jennie poked Jisoo who's closing her eyes having trouble breathing.

"Do you want me to mouth to mouth you?" Jennie suggested making Jisoo stand up straight and cleared her throat.

"No, thank you my precious virgin lips is for Rosé only" Jisoo flipped her head, dusting of her clothes.

"Your older than Rosé for 5 years and your telling me, your still a virgin? Weak" Jennie snorted, Jisoo punch Jennie in the stomach so hard she fall on the floor.

"Y-you sh-" Jennie clutch her stomach in pain, Lisa run towards Jennie's side caressing the girls aching stomach glaring at Jisoo.

Jisoo gave Lisa a what look, Lisa sigh at her sister giving Jennie a peck on her cheeks.

"I'm fine!" Jennie shouted after Lisa's kiss, puffing out her chest proudly making Lisa punch her in the back of her head.

"I love a violent woman" Jennie wiggle her eyebrows at Lisa making the younger girl glare at her antics.

"Sorry I don't love you" Jisoo answered for Lisa, Jennie stared and glared hard at Jisoo.

"You've been a pain in my ass you know?" Jennie grumbles wanting to choke Jisoo but she held it in and took deep breaths.

"Sorry did I rail your ass that hard?" Jisoo joke, Jennie attempted running towards Jisoo but it was stop by Lisa.

"Jisoo stop teasing Jennie!" Lisa scolded Jisoo making her look down in shame, Jennie smirk at Lisa's sister like she won.

"-and you to! Stop saying mean things to my sister!" Jennie spoke to soon, Lisa walk off and the two followed her like a puppy apologizing.

"Its your fault" They both said at the same time glaring at each other, Jennie scoffed looking away and Jisoo flip her hair going away from Jennie.

-but after sometime all the guest left in a hurry because the police might get them, and the sisters went home first.

Jisoo was so drunk that Lisa had to carry her, the two of them was escorted by Jennie's men, knowing what Jennie will do Lisa left to not disturb Jennie and her work.

"Hey! Marco polo, you good?" Jennie ask Marco, who she tied and now shaking on the floor looking at the time.

"What time will the police get here?" Marco ask Jennie paranoid, Jennie laugh outloud stop abruptly and stared at Marco with no emotion.

"Who said I'll give you to the police?" Jennie told Marco, smirking at her next victim.

"wha- but you just said that-" Marco was cut off by Jennie's hands on his mouth, and she's already wearing gloves.

"Down boy, I'll give you a good beating" Jennie slightly tap Marco's cheeks but soon it became hard, slapping with all her might.

"I'll take your wife to...all the guest left, they were afraid to be caught by the so called 'police'. They can run but cant hide because the one and only Jennie Kim is chasing them" Jennie chuckled kicking Marco on the balls.

Marco turn himself into a ball attempting to clutch his aching cock with his tied hands.

"I'll make sure that the Manoban family, will go extinct for what they did to my precious baby, its not a threat but a promise" Jennie told Marco.

Marco gather up all his strength, "L-lisa and J-jisoo is a M-Manoban to, what are you gonna do?" Marco chuckled in pain.

"Sorry to burst your bubbles but Lisa is from the Kim family and Jisoo is a Park, not an ounce of Manoban family is flowing in their body." Jennie smiled at him evilly.

"They are my daughter of course they have my blood" Marco told Jennie glaring at the girl.

"Its called a metaphor dumbass, didnt you learn in school?" Jennie shake her head disappointed at Lisa's dad, Where did Lisa get her smartness from? I'm pretty sure its not from her dad Jennie thought to herself.

"My Lisa might be a genius then" Jennie mumbled smiling, making Marco look at her curious on whats the girl thinking.

"Wait- yeah I forgot to tell you something, can you sign this?" Jennie handed out a paper to Marco.

"Its that a contract for me to give you all my property?! I'll not sign it!" Marco shouted at Jennie refusing to sign.

"I'm not gonna get your property but Lisa and Jisoo will, guess thumbprint is the way" Jennie pulled Marco's thumb and dipping it in ink, putting his print on the paper. Now all of Marco's property and riches is divided evenly for Jisoo and Lisa to take.

"Well too late I guess? I'm losing time let's finish this shall we?" Jennie sigh stepping away from Marco.

"Huh!" Jennie grunted doing a spinning kick and hitting Marco on his head, he passed out from from the kick.

"Fuck, I forgot to tell my men to carry him on my warehouse they only took his wife. Shit- I'll do it myself" Jennie took Marco's feet dragging the passed out person around the house, going out of the house.


I apologize for making Lisa's dad a bad guy, he's a great person and a great dad to Lisa. I'm proud that Lisa got a wonderful dad and mom😊😊

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