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With Jennie watching Lisa all night, they woke up feeling fresh as ever, Jennie waking all of them up to go to school.

"I'll be off I need to do something" Jennie said to them, Lisa look at Jennie with longing eyes. Jennie waved goodbye but actually she was going to print the pictures she took of Lisa while sleeping.

Jennie smiled walking towards the bus going back to her house, she will skip school today she got more important things to do and that includes Lisa.

She texted Rosé, she will not go to school, when Jennie got back she immediately opened the monitor for Lisa's hidden cameras in her room.

She watch Lisa taking off her clothes and going inside the bathroom to shower, Jennie clutch her aching cock touching it.

She took it out from her pants and stroking it while watching Lisa shampoo her hair, "Lisa baby bend a bit more" and it looks like Lisa heard her Lisa bended washing her legs.

Seeing Lisa's pink pussy, Jennie fasten her pace in stroking. "Yes-yes-yes, Lisa!!" Jennie came but still stroking her cock calming the raging beast.

"Just wait my darling, I'll have you for real" Jennie said staring lovingly at Lisa who's drying her hair.

Jennie needed a cold shower because she's still not calming down...

Jennie's parents is having a vacation touring around the world, they gave Jennie money every month. Jennie's father also gave Jennie their company.

She don't want the attention so she gave the position to her cousin Irene to be the CEO of her company but only with the media or Irene is the one who attends the meetings and parties while Jennie is taking care of the strategies to work the company.

Jennie can do anything without being suspected because she have a lot of money, so kidnapping Lisa is a piece of cake.


Lisa walk in the hallway with students staring at her, she wave at them making some of them squeel.

"I wish she's my girlfriend" after Lisa heard that her eyes change staring straight ahead with those cold eyes.

Only Jennie can call Lisa her girlfriend no one else, that is what Lisa is thinking, clutching her hands tightly around her bag strap.

She quickly walk towards her classroom, "Good morning!" Shen greeted her, Lisa gave a short nod to the boy walking towards her seat.

Sitting down gracefully her classmates stare at her in admiration making Lisa annoyed.

"Will you ever, answer me?" When ask her, he gave Lisa his charming smile that girls love thinking Lisa can fall for it to.

-but Lisa only love one smile and that is her Jennie's lovely gummy smile, she stare in disgust but mask it quickly.

"I'm sorry but I'm not interested" Lisa carefully declined smiling at the boy, Shen lost his smile and staring at Lisa with angrily.

"You bitch! I have courted you for five months already and your still not answering me! Do you have other guys, you slut!" The guys shouted at Lisa.

"Excuse me? When did I say you can court me? Did I gave my permission? No! So please shut up, I don't even like you" Lisa glared at him.

"Just you wait bitch" Shen pointed at her but little did he know, someone is watching them through the CCTV.

"Who the fuck is this guy?! Calling my Lisa a bitch?!" Jennie yelled glaring at the screen clenching her fist.

"I think I have found my next target" Jennie smiled taking a picture of the guy.

"Just you wait indeed" Jennie laughed licking the knife in her hands, she stood up from her chair going out the house.


I'm about to roast this punk up, when I  heard his cellphone ring he picked it up.

"Yes, who's this?" He glared at me while answering his phone, I gave him a stink eye if I didn't take my meds this morning I would have break this jerks legs.


"I'll be there!" He said excitedly going out the room but before that he slammed the door hard pointing at me saying he will be back.

I hope you die, I said watching him turn his back on me...



"Who's this?" My next victim ask by just hearing his voice makes me want to hurt him badly.

"This is EIN Entertainment, we recieve your video, we are inviting you to come and be a trainee to our company" I said, I investigate this pesticides life and saw that he auditioned for this company.

"Where?" He ask sounding excited.

"Please go to this meeting place, *****. We would like to see how you dance in real life" I told him, I have watch his video and I know why they didnt accept him, he moves like an old man.

"I'll be there" he said and I hung up on the phone.

What an idiot! I laugh at his low IQ, he was not contacted for months and he didnt even think why he was contacted now?

I think he doesn't have a brain, I start the car going towards our meeting place. It was an abandon building but before he will notice I'll grab him and make him suffer.

I'll make you pay for shouting at my baby, along the way I see someone selling bottles of beer.

I stop and bought it all, hmm I think I'll be using this, this will be good for torture.

Waiting for him to come I see his car, stopping he got out and stare, and wondered why in an abandoned building.He slowly walk, when he saw me, he stared in wonder.

"Jennie? Why are you here?" He stare in disgust, moving towards him, a bottle of beer hidden on my hands.

"Oh just drinking, some beer..." I told him smiling drinking a sip from the bottle.

"Okay? Did you see someone from EIN company they said they will meet me here." He ask looking around, trying to make me jealous that he got scouted.

"No...but I got a bottle of beer" moving towards him smiling he stared at me with curiosity.


I cut him off smashing the bottle of beer in his head making him faint, "Tsk, what a weak guy only one smash?" I laugh at him dragging him towards the building.

"What a dumb guy! He literally don't think, like who the hell even come to an abandoned building and asking the only stranger here? Like dude your about to die" I told him staring at his disgusting face.


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