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"So...I was thinking because we four are gonna be married, why not just do it at the same time? Like we can get married together" Rosè suggested stuffing her face with a cake while Jisoo sigh looking at her fiances messy face.

"Not a bad idea! Can we do that baby, please!" Lisa shakes Jennie's body, pouting at the older girl.

Jennie was about to reason out, that she don't want a double wedding but Jennie looked at Lisa's cute face and eventually gave in.

"Fine..." Jennie sigh scratching her head while Lisa hugs her from her side squeezing Jennie.

"Umm, How many weeks have you three been absent?" Jisoo suddenly ask her eyes going wide at the realization that Rosè and the JenLisa couple have not gone to school.

"I don't know, I'm quitting school actually" Jennie leaned back to Lisa's embrace, Lisa look at Jennie with puzzled face.

"Why are you quitting?" Lisa ask curious why her fiance will quit school.

"Cause my cousin don't want-" but before Jennie could finish her sentence she receive a punch at her side making her wince in pain.

"What do you mean you'll quit?! How would you, take care of Lisa if you don't have enough money and no work! Do you want to starve my sister?!" Jisoo shouted at Jennie enrage of what she just heard.

"Calm down sister-in-law, I have not finish my sentence yet" Jennie told Jisoo, glaring at her because she just punch her for no reason.

"My cousin can't take care of the company anymore because she's sick of me, that is her reason...So I'll take care of the company from now on" Jennie explained, Jisoo scratch her head looking at Jennie regretfully.

Jisoo chuckled awkwardly looking away from Jennie's glares, avoiding the felines eyes.

"But I don't want to be alone! How can I see your beautiful face if your far away from me!" Lisa pouted crossing her arms, angry at her soon to be wife.

Rosè shuddered at what she just heard, her best friend being sweet is so new to see.

Jisoo stared at Lisa disgusted of what she just heard, she can't believe of what came out of her sisters mouth

"Don't worry Lisa, I'll be taking you to school from now on or drop by when it's your free time." Jennie coax Lisa trying to calm the younger girl.

"You better do that or I'll find a someone new to replace you" Lisa threatened Jennie looking at her intently.

"What!? Lisa I'm usually a calm person but when it comes to you I could do so much worse...so don't threaten me or you'll never see daylight again" Jennie's eyes was void of any emotions while talking to Lisa.

"Did you just threaten to kill my sister?! Jennie Kim that is not right! If your like this I'll never give my sister to you!" Jisoo slammed the table, and it's real anger this time.

Jennie look at Jisoo dumbfounded, "but I didn't say I'll kill Lisa?"

"You just did bitch and you quoted, 'You'll never see daylight again' isn't that threatening to kill her!?" Jisoo slammed her hands on the table again.

"No! I mean I'll kidnap your sister...the literal meaning, she will never see sunlight again cause she's not leaving me nor my house" Jennie explained but that sounded much worse.

"So you will detained my sister?! You will keep her like a prisoner, are you even human?! It's like your saying this like it's normal for you! Like you have kidnapped someone in the past!" Jisoo shouted clenching her teeth.

"But I actually di-" Lisa slapped her hands on Jennie's mouth before she could finish the sentence, Lisa glared at Jennie shushing her up.

"Rosè calm your girlfriend down" Lisa look at Rosè who doesn't even care and is in her own world.

"You did she's your sister, I ain't doing nothing" Rosè out her hands up like she's innocent while Lisa glared at her, Lisa leaned towards Rosè's ear and whispered.

"If you don't calm my sister, I'll tell her that you actually have multiple crushes and not just my sister...for example Irene from class C or Suzy, Nessa, Chaeyoung, Hyeri, Yeri and-" Rosè clamp her oily fingers on Lisa's mouth.

"Quiet! Fine I'll calm your sister down...don't tell her please" Rosè pleaded, Lisa glared at her so she took back her hands from Lisa's mouth.

Rosè put her hands up as a sign of peace while Lisa cough still feeling Rosè's oily fingers on her skin.

"What the hell did you put in your hands to be this oily!" Lisa fastly wipe her face with wet wipes.

"Oh that was the oil of the fried chicken" Rosè shrug her shoulders wiping her hands on the table cloth.

"Jisoo honey...calm down I'm sure Jennie is just kidding, I mean come on look at her innocent face. Why would she kidnap people, that is absurd" Rosè pointed at Jennie while hugging Jisoo to calm her down.

Jennie snorted, stopping herself from laughing. Jennie Kim innocent? Only a fool would think that.

"Yeah your right, she's an innocent little fucker" Jisoo glared at Jennie sizing her up.

Jennie smiled widely laughing on the inside but it was cut short when Lisa slap her from the back, knowing what she's thinking.

"My sister is not a fool, your just too beautiful to be a killer and that's your advantage, if I didn't stalk you I wouldn't have known" Lisa whispered on Jennie's ear.

"I'm proud you find me beautiful then" Jennie smiled warmly at Lisa.

" Who wouldn't find you beautiful? Your one of the wonders of the world, worthy of being called mine" Lisa giggled while Jennie blushed looking away.

"You know you two sound disgusting" Jisoo shook her head, she feels like ants will eat the two because of their sweetness.

Lisa glared standing up dragging Jennie away from the two, going out of the cafe.

"Who's taking care of that child, he or she is not doing a good job. Raising the kid with no manners, walking away without saying goodbye so disrespectful" Jisoo glared at Lisa's retreating back.

"Umm, your the one who raise her..." Rosè told Jisoo looking at her girlfriend sighing.

"I did? Tsk, I'm very respectful and she's clearly not there is no way I raised her." Jisoo shake her head, while Rosè stared at her trying to see what is inside of her girlfriends mind.


Huhu, I think every author is having a hard time writing a good ending... I'm also having a hard time, I don't know how to end this.

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