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They went inside the house, Lisa pinned Jennie on the wall. "I want it rough" Jennie was unwilling but she can't hold herself any longer, Jennie carried Lisa to the bedroom and lay her down on the bed.

"You like it rough, baby?" Jennie asked. "That's it? You want me to hold you down and fuck you hard?"

Lisa shuddered, her back arching off the bed before she could even think to hold still. "You wanna feel my dick stretch you wide open, huh?" Jennie went on.

"You wanna know how it feels when I pound the shit out of your cunt until you cry?" Jennie felt Lisa arching against her, and she let out an animal, guttural growl that made Lisa's face flush with heat.

Jennie turned her head and buried her mouth into the sensitive skin beneath Lisa's ear, rasping her tongue along Lisa's throat until she couldn't help but whimper.

Lisa looked up, and forced her eyes to meet Jennie's eyes. "You love sex play, don'tcha baby? My stalker."

"Tsk, our friends gonna know asshole, why would you kill him?!" Lisa hissed.

"You're an idiot, you asshole." She never normally swore, but it seemed to be the only thing Jennie understood.

"You think so?" Jennie asked. She shifted her weight, used her other knee to force Lisa's thighs wider apart so that Jennie could force both her legs between Lisa's.

Jennie took her hand from Lisa's chin and slid it downwards, across her heaving stomach and down over the lilac lace of her underwear.

Jennie settled her fingers so that the tips danced across her opening, and the length of her digits pressed against her clit. Lisa let out a moan, she could feel that she had dampened her underwear.

Jennie chuckled at her, then hooked her fingers under Lisa's pants and slid them directly onto her slick opening. Jennie pressed gently, not enough to actually slide inside her, but enough of a threat that Lisa didn't dare move.

Her thumb followed, sliding onto Lisa's clit and rocking against it in a rhythm that made the muscles of her vagina pulse against her will.

Jennie finally eased her fingers out of Lisa's underwear and Lisa sighed in relief, until she realised what she was about to do to her. Jennie slid her fingers over her mouth, watching as Jennie coated her lips with her own juices. Lisa groaned in revulsion and Jennie laughed once again.

"What's the matter, little stalker?" Jennie asked. "Don't wanna see how you taste? Well, I do." Jennie lowered her mouth to Lisa once again, sucking her lips into her mouth as Jennie hungrily took in the taste of her.

Jennie leaned on Lisa again, sliding her cock until it rested right at her opening, and started to grind against her as Jennie deepened the kiss. Lisa squirmed, but it only made Jennie harder.

Jennie came up for air and rested her mouth against Lisa's ear once again. Her breathing was ragged and hot against Lisa's skin. "Admit it, Lisa," Jennie whispered. "You also want to kill the fucker, don't you?."

"Yeah, Jen its obvious but we can't because he will be the reason of our downfall" Lily agreed, her voice stony.

"Let me ride you." Lisa felt that damned smile against her ear again, and Jennie raised her head to look down at Lisa.

"Wanna fight, huh?" You think you can win, Lis?" Jennie dipped her head and flexed the muscles in her back and shoulders for a moment, before meeting Lisa's eye again.

"I'll wipe that cocky fucking smile off your face, for starters because I'm winning" she replied, and Jennie laughed, but she loosened her grip on Lisa's wrists.

"Well, fucking take me out then, baby," Jennie said, then released Lisa's wrists completely.

Jennie grabbed her hands and held them again, "Just kidding!" staring her down as Lisa continued to struggle against Jennie.

Jennie arms were steel, and as she slowly lowered her hands back to the bed, crossed Lisa's wrists over and imprisoned them in one of Jennie's own hands above Lisa's head, there was nothing that Lisa could do but growl in frustration.

For a moment Jennie didn't do anything but stare at her, but as Lisa's breathing started to calm down and Jennie knew she had her full attention, Jennie slowly parted her lips back into that damned cocky smile.

It was Jennie's way of showing her that she'd lost, and Lisa wanted to kick her girlfriend in the balls, but she didn't have the strength left to fight. Lisa could feel the sting of her hand starting to swell, and Jennie's tight grip on her wrist was only making it worse.

"What's the matter, can't fuck me?" Lisa spat staring at Jennie with love eyes. "Oh, don't worry I will and stop staring at me like that?" Jennie sneered in response.

"You ain't gonna win this, baby," Jennie growled, and Lisa huffed impatient because Jennie is taking longer.

Lisa would never have pegged Jennie as a kisser, not from looking at her. But from the way that Jennie devoured her mouth, and the way that Jennie ground her cock into her pubic bone so hard it almost hurt, it was obvious that Jennie loved it.

Jennie let go of Lisa's chin and slid her hand down underneath Lisa instead, grabbed her ass and pulled Lisa against her even harder as if Jennie just couldn't get enough. There was something about being so obviously desired by this woman that made Lisa's tremble.

Lisa moaned against Jennie's mouth and Jennie groaned in response, the rumble of her voice vibrating through Lisa's body and awakening that terrifying hum inside her once again.

Jennie's mouth was soft, she slid her hand back up to Lisa's face and stroked her thumb over her bottom lip, pulling downwards until Lisa relented and opened her mouth for her. She considered biting the tongue that slowly licked its way inside her but stopped herself.


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