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"So who made my Lisa go on a date with this fucker?" Jennie ask pulling Lisa towards her side and hugging her while looking at Lisa's friends.

"I was the one that ask her, Jungkook is my cousin, I'm Rina. Lisa said she doesn't have someone" Rina said while looking at Jennie afraid.

"Why would you tell them, you don't have someone when I'm clearly here?" Jennie ask but her voice turned soft while speaking to Lisa.

Lisa sigh and explained herself, "How can I tell them if you didn't ask me to your girlfriend yet?" Lisa crossed her arms looking at Jennie intently.

Jennie scratch her head, "I thought you already knew that, I thought you felt my love when we were making love"

"What do you mean? You were fucking me! How can I know that you love me?! You didnt even tell me, well the sex was amazing...but still!" Lisa scold Jennie, they stared at Lisa in amazement.

"Umm, please refrain from talking about your sex life" Rina pointed out, her face red because of the topic.

"I will decide if, I can talk about my sex life because its mine!" Jennie shouted at Rina, Lisa slap the back of Jennie's head.

"Stop talking about our sex life! and don't shout at my friends!" Lisa scolded Jennie again, apologizing to Rina.

"Fine" Jennie pouted sadly but compose herself and she changed her facial expression to a neutral.

"Good...I'm sorry for the inconvenience, Rina but I warned you, 'It's not my fault if something happens' these are the words I told you when you were talking to me" Lisa pointed out.

"I know, I'm sorry Jennie and please don't fire Jungkooks dad, its my fault" Rina said bowing at Jennie.

"Tsk, I will still fire him. He used his dads social status meaning his dad also knew that his son is abusing his power, and I receive a lot of complain that Jungkooks dad is biased only catering people with money" Jennie said seriously.

"Well I guess, I can't change your decision because you have a reason. We will just go, bye Lisa see you tomorrow!" Rina said going out with her friends but Jungkook stayed behind.

"Call the manager and proceed with your jobs" Jennie ordered the staff, they quickly scramble going back to their places.

"Sir please go out, someone is looking for you" the staff didnt tell who it is because they want to punish their boss who made their life a living hell.

"Tsk, who is it? He or she must be stupid to call the boss" Jungkooks dad said smirking while going out smugly.

"What do you want?! Tell it to me now, I'm the boss of this place so if you have a complain just tell me" Jungkooks dad said smugly but when his eyes met Jennie's cold gaze he shivered in fear.

"So who's that boss?" Jennie ask crossing her arms, beside her is Lisa who's eating cake staring at Jungkooks dad.

"I, Good afternoon Ms. Kim, its you Ms. Kim your the boss not me." Jungkooks dad bowed his head 90 degrees.

Then he saw his son, looking at him, he glared at Jungkook. " What did you do?!" Jungkooks dad shouted at his son.

"I didn't do anything, I have already told them my sorry's and Lisa already have forgiven me it was a miss understanding" Jungkook said putting his hands up innocently.

Yes, thats right after the staff said Jennie was the boss Jungkook quickly apologized and beg Lisa to forgive him, so Lisa accepted the sorry and forgave Jungkook.

"Then what's the problem Ms. Kim?" Jungkooks dad said chuckling nervously.

"Your fired, get out of this place and you your gonna replace him" Jennie said while pointing at the staff who called Jungkooks dad.

"M-Ms. Kim what did I do?" Jungkooks dad ask Jennie.

"Eh, I don't like your vibe" and with that Jenni went out her restaurant while dragging Lisa with her.

Jennie stared at Lisa lovingly, "What?" Lisa ask Jennie annoyed because of the stare.

"Can I kill that Jungkook guy? He disrespect you saying mean words" Jennie ask smiling at Lisa waiting for her answer.

"Do what you want, just don't let anyone know" Lisa wave her hands at Jennie signalling its okay.

"I stop stalking you, after I kidnap you but I think I should stalk you again. I didnt even know you were on a date but thank God, I noticed you" Jennie shake her head.

"I told you didnt I? That my friends force me to go on a date" Lisa shrug her shoulders while looking away.

"by the way why the police havent found Jimin's body yet?" Lisa look around and whispered at Jennie.

"Oh, I killed him in the middle of the forest where nobody goes. The police reported him as a missing person but they haven't found him yet, I think his already rotten and a compose in the forest." Jennie told Lisa.

"Tsk, I'm praying Jisoo and Rosé won't suspect a thing" Lisa said crossing her arms leaning on the wall while Jennie has her hands inside her pants pocket staring at Lisa.

"If they found out and suspect us, come with me let's run away" Jennie smiled at Lisa.

"No, they will report us to the police and basically we will be wanted" Lisa said looking at Jennie like she's crazy.

Jennie laugh, "I have an island no one will go their because its private property and its in the middle of the ocean"

"Where would we get our food?" Lisa ask Jennie.

"I don't know" Jennie said scratching her head, Lisa slap Jennie's arms while the older girl glare at her playfully.

"Don't worry they won't find out, and if they did, you have me" Jennie hug Lisa putting her chin on Lisa's head.

"Can I have a gun?" Lisa suddenly ask looking at Jennie's gun under the girls suit.

"No, I told you didnt I? You will not dirty your hands, if I'm alive" Jennie kissed the back of Lisa's hands.

"Yeah I know" Lisa sigh snuggling closer to Jennie hiding her face in Jennie's blazer getting cold.


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