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Jennie is sitting on the stool with a big slap mark on her cheeks, I should have killed Jisoo weeks ago Jennie thought while rubbing her red face.

"You can't kill my sister!" Lisa slap Jennie in the back of her head still limping.

"H-how did" Jennie clutch her head and face because of the pain she felt, now I know why they are sisters. They both pack a punch, Jennie thought while giggling to herself.

"Stop thinking about bad things...you can't kill every person you see okay? Only kill who I want you to kill, copy?" Lisa told Jennie sitting on her girlfriends lap.

"Yeah, my bad I forgot your my boss" Jennie kissed Lisa's forehead smiling at how cute her girlfriend is, she pulled Lisa closer back hugging the other girl.

"By the way, the dinner is tomorrow" Lisa suddenly said while eating the apple Jennie cut for her.

"Mmm, I'm gonna wear a pajama on the dinner tomorrow" Jennie laughed while Lisa pinch her cheeks kissing it after.

"Your clingy today, what happened?" Jennie ask Lisa loving the attention she got from the younger girl.

"Nothing, I just love your warmth" Lisa snuggled closer to Jennie, putting her head at the crook of her neck.

"I love your warmth to" Jennie laugh at Lisa, so Lisa felt annoyed and decided to punch Jennie on her stomach, Jennie made little sound while clutching her now hurting stomach.

"Now I know where you get your violence" Jennie told Lisa with pain visible on her face.

"Stop teasing me" Lisa pouted looking away from Jennie, Jennie hide her laugh because she doesn't want to upset Lisa further

"I'm sorry, I'll not do it again" Jennie told Lisa still stopping a laugh from coming out of her mouth.


"So are you ready?" Jennie ask Lisa and Jisoo, Rosé can't make it because her family has to go on a vacation.

"Yes" Lisa and Jisoo answered Jennie in sync looking at the roads in front of them.

"Look at me being lucky, I get two dates" Jennie joke to ease the tension.

"Stop joking Kim Jennie, we are nervous" Lisa scolded Jennie her face paled.

"My bad, I was just joking to ease the tension because its too thick" Jennie raised her hand while the other still on the steering wheel.

"Don't worry you two, you have me I'll protect you" Jennie flex on both of the girls, I think I can go on a killing spree here Jennie thought laughing in her head.

"Thanks again Jen" Jisoo thanked Jennie patting the girls shoulder but pinching it after.

"Woman! Its enough to thank me, no need to go violent on little old me" Jennie rolled her eyes, Jisoo pinch her shoulder harder.

"Stop! I'm driving!" Jennie shouted, Lisa laugh at her sister and girlfriend. They are so cute, playing with each other.

"So why are you driving the limousine? If you have a driver and why a limousine?" Jisoo ask Jennie who is driving.

"I don't know...I like driving pretty girls, and of course we need to slap your family that you two are doing more than okay" Jennie explained, Jisoo glared at Jennie but let it go.

"Please use me as your wallet today, I got you" Jennie smirked at them while flexing her Rolex watch.

Yeah, yeah we now stop showing us your expensive items or we will rob you" Lisa said laughing.

"Even better! Rob me all you want ppu-ppu" Jennie beamed Lisa a smile, Jisoo stared at Jennie like she's crazy.

They arrive at Lisa's mansion with many guest, they stopoed to see who's inside the limousine staring Jisoo and Lisa's car.

"Who's that?"

"Do you know anyone so high class?"

"Manoban family sure is rich"

All the guest talk about the limousine waiting for the person to step out of the car, Jennie went out first they stop and stared at the beauty.

"Who's daughter is that? I would like an arrange marriage with my son"

"I'll pay you, please give her to us"

Jennie don't opened the car yet and waited for all the guest to come closer, "Do you want to marry my son? We are from a rich family." some woman from Lisa's family ask Jennie.

"I'm sorry to burst your bubble but I'm not single" Jennie waved them off, she walk towards Lisa and Jisoo's door opening it.

Jennie took both their hands and hold both the sisters, she put her hands on their tiny waist carefully escorting them.

"Wait...thats Jisoo and Lisa, the Manoban's kicked them out because they are a baggage to the family but I guess they are not" After Lisa and Jisoo, the sisters was the talk of the party.

-but multiple mothers came to Jennie, to try and wed her with their sons like an auction.

"Welcome Ms. I'm Marco Manoban and this is my wife, why did you come here to the family gathering? Only family can enter" Marco smirked at Jisoo and Lisa but they gave their father no emotion.

"I'm Jisoo and Lisa's girlfriend" Jennie said without emotion looking straight into Marco's eyes.

"Sluts are they? The low class flock on you to get your money, leave Lisa and Jisoo to us to ease your burden." Jennie was about to go an a rampage but she calmed herself for Lisa's sake.

"I'm not Jisoo's girlfriend but for the night only, her girlfriend is on a vacation aka my best friend." Jennie told him patience running out.

"Hmm" Marco look at Jennie from top to bottom, then all the people realize that Jennie is just wearing her pajamas while Lisa and Jisoo wore casual clothes.

"Why are you wearing pajamas?" Marco ask Jennie he stared at disgust while his wife judge Jennie.

"Oh this? Its comfortable, a goddamn movie might show" Jennie shrug her shoulders going to Lisa and Jisoo.

Jennie slump on the couch taking all the space like its her own house, "Can I bomb this place?" Jennie whispered at Lisa asking her.

"No" Lisa firmly said making Jennie pout lying down on the couch while drinking some wine.

"Excuse me you three, your fucking disrespecting the Manoban family by being this way!" Marco shouted at Jennie and the two sisters.

"Ah Marco Manoban famous for shipping illegal goods at other countries like Milan, Puerto Rico, and China. You do human trafficking and you also take take drugs, that explains why your dumb" Jennie exposed all Marco's illegal activities.

"What!? I'm not doing any kinds of those stuff, do you have proof?" Marco ask Jennie smirking, sure that the girl have no evidence.

"Yeah I have" Jennie deadpanned looking away from him and pulling out a USB.

"Ha!" Marco took the USB smash it on the ground and step on it to erase all the evidence.

"Awe, well I can make another copy" Jennie smiled at Marco who's fuming like a mad cat

"Well we still have time until the police gets here, let's party first shall we?" Jennie drank her wine looking at Marco with evil glint in her eyes.



I'll post another chapter later(͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Uh! I haven't gotten any sleep, I was busy

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