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Jennie is behind a tree looking towards Lisa's window, watching the younger girl dress.

She was kick out by Lisa because Lisa had seen the 18+ messages Jennie receive on her dm's, now she's outside of her own house watching Lisa dress creepily.

"I'm fucking thinking of tracking the one who sent me these gross messages" Jennie clench her teeth out of anger

"My Lisa...I miss you" Jennie reach out her hand dramatically towards Lisa's window

Lisa felt the stares, she look out the window seeing Jennie behind a tree watching her. Lisa sigh closing her curtains but before that she sent Jennie a glare.

"Tsk!" Jennie stomp her foot and putting both of her hands on her pockets walking away, she was walking towards the nearby park.

Jennie sat on one of the bench facing a big pond, it's midnight and all she can hear is crickets and frogs making noise.She sigh looking at the ducks on the pond swimming their hearts out, she smile because of the sight.

Lisa opened her curtains again to check if Jennie is still there, when she saw Jennie is not outside, she glared looking around. She saw no sign of Jennie so she hurriedly went outside to look for her.

Jennie felt something on her pockets, she pull it out to see a small velvet box. Smiling at the box, Jennie opened it to see a marvelous diamond ring shining in the darkness reflecting the moon's lights.

It was the other ring, the original ring of Lisa. This was the ring she was supposed to used for the engagement surprised for Lisa.

"Hmm, Lisa my love look at this beautiful ring. Did you know it's supposed to be yours? that's okay we are engaged and getting married, but I want on opportunity to give you this ring that's rightfully yours...I can't seem to find the perfect timing I'm sorry" Jennie sigh looking at the ring.

Lisa felt her eyes tearing up when she heard those words from Jennie, she quickly walk towards Jennie.

"I'm giving you the opportunity now"

Jennie turned around hearing those words, she saw Lisa on her yellow pajamas looking cute as ever with tears on her eyes.

Jennie scratch her head and cough awkwardly, looking around except Lisa's lovely eyes due to shyness.

"Are you getting shy now Kim? Do it or you'll never have this opportunity again" Lisa laugh looking at Jennie trying to tease her.

"I- umm" Jennie stood up and wipe the imaginary dust of her pants as she slowly walk towards Lisa and kneeling infront of her.

"Lisa I'm sorry I haven't gave you this ring, and I'm sorry the ones on your finger right now is fake" Jennie look away when she told Lisa the truth, embarrassed of what she said and she proceed on her sentence.

"Umm, but let me tell you that I love you so much and if you ever leave me, well I can't let you...you know to much no offense my love.

I'm the most luckiest women on earth marrying someone like you, So will you do me the honor of becoming my wife? Become Mrs. Kim and I'll take you to my human-"

Jennie was stop by Lisa, "Stop right there it was getting romantic but you ruined it by talking about your useless human farm"

"I- I'm sorry I'll do it again!" Jennie panic standing up and kneeling down again.

"Will you do me an honor to be my wife? I'll take care of our kids...if you ever want one, I'll also take care of you when your getting old and can't walk. So please, marry me?" When Jennie finish talking she sigh feeling the weight lifting off her shoulders.

Lisa jump hugging Jennie they both fall down on the ground with Lisa on top of Jennie, Lisa smiled at Jennie and kissing her after.

"Of course Jen!" Lisa got up from Jennie's embrace, and helping the older girl stand up.

"Take out the fake ring and throw it towards the pond" Jennie told Lisa excitedly, Lisa took out the ring and throwing it towards the pond.

Jennie put the ring on Lisa's fingers and kissing her head afterwards, they clasp their hands together and walk under the moonlight laughing about each other's stories.

"So I was putting his body inside a blender but the blender is too small so I dump him in my tigers den, I'm taking care of some tigers which I stole from the zoo...and guess what they ate his body whole!" Jennie laugh while Lisa shook her head looking at her fiance.

"If we have a child I don't want them, killing or harming anybody...do you understand?" Lisa put her hands on her waist looking at Jennie.

"Of course I'm not planning on doing that! I don't want to make them bad, like me they are my children after all" Jennie shrug her shoulders.

"So I was thinking of a beach wedding, do you want that?" Lisa ask Jennie

"I like- No I love everything you do and want" Jennie caress Lisa's hair and pecking the younger girls ear, Lisa giggled because she was ticklish.

"So I'll stop going to school and decided to just leech off of your wealth, you will not let me go anyway because I know too much. You will just kill if you have enough of me,so kill me painlessly please!" Lisa patted Jennie's back

"I'm never letting you go! So don't ever think your getting away from me" Jennie hug Lisa tightly snuggling on Lisa's neck.

"Hmm, Yeah yeah" Lisa patted Jennie's hair chuckling at her fiance's antics.

"I love you so much!" Jennie squeeze Lisa tightly in her embrace, Lisa cough out of breath pushing Jennie away.

"You know one of these days your gonna kill me" Lisa panted

"I'm sorry your just too cute, I can't help myself" Jennie scratch her head and kissing Lisa gently.

"Hmm now carry me!" Lisa told Jennie while putting her hands up indicating of lifting her up.

Jennie lift Lisa bridal style, walking towards their house. When they reach their front porch Lisa signaled Jennie to let her off, Jennie let Lisa down gently.

Lisa run towards the door and locking it right away leaving Jennie behind, "W-What, why did you lock me outside?" Jennie ask

"Tsk don't forget your mistake, don't come in when you haven't block all the girls that message you!" Lisa shouted at Jennie.


"No buts, if you don't do it you will never sleep beside me. Stay on the streets" Lisa scolded Jennie, going up the stairs.

So Jennie is leaning on her house front door, while erasing all the messages and blocking all the girls that texted her while stopping herself from shedding a tear.


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