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"Who are the guys with Lisa and Jisoo?!" Jennie clench her fist, hiding behind the wall with Rosé watching Jisoo and Lisa talking to two guys having a good time.

"I came back early to say my sorry's, it was my cousin for God sake! But I came home seeing this?! Unbelievable!" Rosé pinch herself between her eyes.

"Tsk, they dont let us spoke to girls but they can do this? Unfair!" Rosé grumbles leaning back unto the wall, sliding down to sit on the pavement.

"Last week was our date! Now she have another date! I'll be grateful if its with me but no! she have it with another guy" Jennie sat next to Rosé, putting her head on her best friends shoulder.

"How about we just date each other and leave them?" Jenni suggested looking into Rosés eyes, making the other girl cringe.

"I know you love me and not Lisa, let's do it...I want to go to New Zealand, I want see Glow Worm Cave!" Rosé kissed Jennie's cheeks, both the girls know that they were just kidding with each other but that can't stop them from having a vacation away from both their strict girlfriends.

They stood up and the both went in inside Jennie's car, going straight to the airport. They got their passports and they rode Jennie's private Jet, sitting next to each other inside Jennie's plane.

"Want to post this? Let's make them jealous and we will not answer them, hehe" Rosé said taking out her phone, she puck out her lips like she's trying to kiss Jennie while Jennie smiles brightly looking at Rosé, Rosé post it on Instagram waiting for Lisa and Jisoo to see, with the caption 'On a vacation with my hubby'.

"I think my plan of killing the two guys was better" Jennie pouted, Rosé laugh hitting Jennie's shoulder.

"Come on stop joking! You can't do that!" Rosé told Jennie still laughing, 'but I can' Jennie thought scrunching her face while pouting.

"What the hell is this!" Jisoo stared at her phone seeing Rosé's post, Jisoo shoved her phone to Lisa's eyes making the younger girl glare at the photo.

"Hubby!?" Lisa shouted slamming her hands on the table startling the two guys in front of them.

"Oh I'm sorry, can we please stop the proposal planning for now? My sisters future fiance runaway with my freaking girlfriend!" Lisa lost her cool shouting at the end of her sentence.

"Its okay, just call us again if you settled" one of the guy told both Lisa and Jisoo, they both got up leaving the sisters behind.

"I commented on their phone requesting both of them to comeback but they didn't answer, they are ignoring us!?" Jisoo slap her hands against the table like Lisa.

"The heck are they on?!" Lisa grumbles crossing her arms, then she gulp a lot of water angrily.

"Let's calm down and think clearly...But who would think clearly in this kinds of  situation!" Jisoo bursted out.

Lisa opened her cellphone and she try to reach out to Jennie because she knows that girl is whipped for her so she will do anything.



LISA: Come home this instant! If you don't, you will never see me again and I promise that. Maybe! I'll give that guy who's been courting me a chance...


Jennie stared at her cellphone in shock looking around in panic, they are above the city of Seoul they were just about to cross the borders of the country when she saw the text.

"Rosé! Let's go home!" Jennie run towards the pilot in panic, making the pilot state in shock.

"What's the prob-" the pilot didnt finish his sentence when Jennie shoved him out of the way and sitting on the pilot sit to drive the airplane back to Seoul.

"Ma'am you can't do that" The pilot was about to scold Jennie when the girl showed her fully license PPL(Private Pilot License) the pilot stared in shock, the pilot just let her be leaving the girl and going inside the cabin for flight attendants.

Jennie learned how to drive a plane in less than a year because when she was a child she always thought of driving both her parents around the world but her parents didn't want her to, saying they want Jennie to finish her studies.

-but now Jennie didnt even want to leave Seoul because of Lisa, she was just coming with Rosé out of jealousy.

"What are you doing?" Rosé ask Jennie crossing her arms, Jennie stretch out her phone towards Rosé's direction making the other girl see Lisa's text.

"Wow! she threatened you...Did you have a phone sex with Lisa? Look at those, teach me senpai!" Rosé scrolled up seeing Jennie's previous text making Jennie blushed taking away the phone from Rosé's grasp.

"No need to be shy, I always thought you we're a wild girl" Rosé wink at Jennie making the latter blush more, she ignored Rosé focusing on driving the plane.

When they landed on Seoul Jennie run towards the exit calling her driver, she gave her driver hundred dollars to take a taxi home.

She drove her own car while Rosé sat at the back stopping herself from puking because of Jennie's driving skills.

"Can you slow down a bit?" Rosé ask Jennie politely, she was close to fainting. Rosé grumbles drinking water and distracting herself from her motion sickness.

"No can do! My love life is on the line! If I lose Lisa now, I don't know what to do anymore" but of course Jennie knows what she will do, basically she will massacre Seoul and be the number one murderer in history that ever lived just because I girl left her.

When she arrive back at the cafe where Lisa is still sitting, she saw the girl tapping her fingers on the table a habit she does when she's very angry.

Jennie gulp slowly walking towards the sisters, both Lisa and Jisoo felt a familiar presence they turned around seeing Jennie so pale because of fear and Rosé who's wobbling from place to place because of motion sickness.

They glared at the two but they were surprise when Jennie rushed towards their table and kneeled infront of Lisa, reaching out Lisa's hands and kissing the back of it saying sorry.

"My love I'm sorry, sorry, sorry! Its Rosé's fault" Jennie keeps kissing Lisa's hands while kneeling receiving a lot of stares making Lisa flushed from embarrassment.


I declared that this account will purely be about Jennie being on top, basically I will only write Top Jennie with different plots.

I will also try a full story and not all fluff, to try and explore more about fanfictions.

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