Chapter 3

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Chapter 3

On June 12, Winter and her parents flew to LAX and drove to Santa Ana, California that Saturday morning. Winter and her parents got to their new place, thanks to her parents' family stocking their new home with new furniture, food, etc. Winter started making her new bedroom her own and started hanging up stuff or placing it on her bookshelves from back in South Korea. She hung up pictures of her and Namjoon, her and him with the other guys; she wanted to feel like she brought South Korea with her. Once she was done, and did the math, and hoped and prayed that someone had recorded the performance of BTS on the TV show and posted it on YouTube. She went onto YouTube and after a good ten minutes, she found it and got excited she started watching it.

She smiled the whole time watching them perform their hearts out. She even got teary-eyed knowing how hard they worked to get to where they were right now.

Her mom comes in, "What's going on?" she asked.

"It's Namjoon and his friends performing on that TV show I told you about. We were leaving the day before they were debuting, so I was hoping to see if someone had recorded the show and they did," she beams.

"That's great sweetheart, but you know that once they get big... it's going to be harder and harder to stay in touch."

She frowns, "I know mom. That's why... I left a note for Namjoon telling him goodbye, and maybe our friendship was never to last anyways," she starts crying, "Right?"

"Oh, honey," her mom said as she started to cry and hug her mom.


Aug. 2013

As weeks went by, mail started showing up to Winter from Namjoon almost daily. She wished that she had never given him her new address before she wanted to end it, but he was sending her mail or small packages, but she never replied; just hoped that he would get the hint that they were done. Their friendship was over.

She just started collecting the mail and putting them in a keepsake box, she did this after she got all the nice notes from him during their first school year. So, she just put it with the other notes but told herself to never open them. Maybe he would get the hint that she's not going to reply to him. But the letters kept coming. It then turned into weekly, getting thicker, but it never stopped.

Early August, Winter came home from work one day at a retail store, and as she was getting the mail, she got another package from South Korea. She sighed as she took the mail inside and saw her name on the package again. "Why do you keep doing this," she said loudly. She tossed it onto her bed going to her closet to get her much larger keepsake box to add the package to the collection. As she picked up the package she saw in bold words:

Please just open me; that's all I ask ~ 김남준

Please was underlined a few times, and she knew Namjoon's name was written in Hangul.

She sighs sitting down on her bed putting down the keepsake box which was larger onto her bed. She opens the package up and sees a USB drive inside with a Post-it note on it that reads 'video and pictures, and there was another sticky note saying 'Happy Birthday, 김남준,' that was on a CD album with letters BTS in gold on a black cover with a bullet vest and in each corner say '2 Cool 4 Skool'. The number 4 and the word skool were done backward.

"He remembered," she said softly when her birthday was back on July 7th.

She takes them both to her desktop and turns on her computer. Once it was on, she put the thumb drive in and let it look for a file, and saw some files with different names she didn't recognize, a picture file, and a video file that said 'Play me'.

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