Chapter 26

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Chapter 26

Jan. 2021

After Tae's birthday came, Winter called to tell him a happy birthday, they also called each other during the New Year in Korea and California. It was silly, but Winter struggled hard not to tell them anything.

In mid-December after Summer's phone call, Winter's parents helped her get tested for Covid. In January, she got the required two Pfizer shots in 21 days, Summer helped Winter get her one-way plane ticket, and made sure her passport was updated. Once that was all done, she made sure that Winter had on hand all of the required paperwork and documents from BigHit and the Korea Embassy giving her permission to fly out of the US and come home to Seoul, and the extra paperwork allowing her to enter Seoul. It was hard to not tell Namjoon and the others that she was coming, but Winter was getting excited more than ever.

While all this was going on, BTS was doing RUN BTS, without Suga, performing at the 35th Golden Disc Awards, Suga made a small surprise appearance at the opening, which Winter cried her eyes out, and Winter saw all the social media pages going nuts. She smiled knowing that they couldn't be complete without all seven.

Finally, after a month of tests and shots, and after another negative Covid test; Winter was finally allowed to fly out on January 15 late in the evening, which was easier on her, because the fans wouldn't know. She would get to Seoul on a one-way, non-stop flight which would be flying for 14 hours; getting there early in the morning, but she would lose a day while in the air. Winter and Summer didn't care, she was coming back.

After checking in with her parents and with BigHit and Summer on the phone for many clarifications, Winter got her boarding pass, luggage checked in and headed to the security gate with the mask protocols.

"We're going to miss you, sweetheart," her mom said as they hugged.

"I'll miss you too."

"Thanks for hanging out with us," her dad said as they hugged.

"Sorry for all the trouble," she said.

"Don't be. Seoul is your home. You are happier there. You have an amazing friend, and a pretty awesome boyfriend and his group of friends too," mom said being careful with her words.


"Go get checked in," her dad points out. "We'll watch for you to go through, and we'll message you when we get home."

She nods, "I'll do the same. Summer said she'll update you since I won't be able to do anything for 14 hours."

They nod and hug one more time as Winter turns around and gets in line to go through security.

She then texts Summer.

WP- Hey, I'm going through security right now.

SL- Great! FINALLY! I'll keep the guys busy if they ask. I think they've

got stuff going on anyways. So, hope they don't bother trying to call

you for the next 17 hours.

WP- Right? How are they doing?

SL- They're fine for now. Been busy I know. I think they have a few days

off for a break, but could be filming another RUN BTS or two.

WP- Okay, well I'll keep you posted if you'll do the same for mom and dad.

SL- Will do. Fly safe.

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