Chapter 12

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Chapter 12

April 2016

The next morning, Winter and Summer never heard or saw Namjoon or the others. Winter kept the bandage on for a few days until she and Summer took it off and let air get to it for a day before covering it back up again.

Winter got emails from the management team stating that the boys were in the studio, and she didn't need to be there. She sighs and focuses on her studies.

On February 18th, it was J-Hope's birthday. Winter wanted to be there for his birthday, so she just sent a text message saying "happy birthday" in Korean, to which he replied with a "Thank you and we miss you". She didn't understand why he didn't tell her to come over or talked to her longer like he used to.

Beginning of March, she did the same with Suga, but again he never said anything but thank you. After that Winter was done. Not being able to work or visit, she knew she either had to find work or fly back home. Winter knew that they were supposed to go to Kobe, Japan again at the end of the month, but she didn't get any news about needing to go to the shows.

So Summer asked her boss if Winter could come work there. Her boss wasn't sure at first but hired Winter just so she had something to do, and money going into her pockets. So, Summer and Winter had the same hours and days working and off, which was easier for them on going to and from work, and Winter did the dishes as Summer took orders from the customers.

One afternoon after work in early April, Winter and Summer came home and saw a note taped to the door. Winter was worried as Summer took it and read it while they walked inside.

"Is it bad?" Winter asked.

Summer sighed, "They say that at the end of the month, they're raising the rent an extra hundred dollars. I don't know if we can afford it. I know with your income it'll help, but with other bills too..."

Winter frowns, "Is it because of me living here?"

"No, it just hasn't been raised for a few years that they need to because of property costs, etc."

Winter sighs, "Do you think we need a third roommate?"

Summer shakes her head, "No. I'll give them a call and see what we can do. If we have to downgrade to a single bedroom or studio. I'll be fine with it. I just know we might need to look if BTS isn't going to be calling you soon."

Winter frowns hearing BTS.

"Sorry... I try not to say their name around you."

"It's fine... it's like we're back to what it was before... no contact."

"I'm sure that you'll hear from them again soon."

"It's been three months," Winter sighs. "I feel like I'll never hear from them again."

Summer frowns, "Don't think that. They're just super busy."

Soon Winter's phone chimes and sees an email. "It's from their management."

"What does it say?"

Winter opens the email, "It's in Korean, I can't read it yet."

Summer takes the phone and reads it. "It's to the staff. They need you at the Olympic Gymnastics Arena starting May 1st. The boys are doing two shows there on May 7th and 8th, and then a month later on June 9th, they fly to Taipei, Taiwan." Summer smiles, "Sounds like you get to go back to touring and doing what you love."

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