Chapter 21

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Chapter 21

Sept. 24, 2018

A lot happened after Winter was back with the guys. She did realize that she ran away from problems and issues, and needed to stop. She went touring with the guys around the USA and Canada. She was excited for the guys since they were going to be busy toward the end of September. The guys had a tiny break from shows the last week of September, but they had interviews and the biggest one of all.

Winter was informed by Namjoon and from BigHit that he was going to be speaking at the United Nations, the world, about Love Yourself, and it was to be seven minutes long. She watched him work on it for weeks, and he was trying to memorize it as much as he could. She and the others helped him, but as it got closer, he was still nervous.

As the day came, the guys were getting dressed and looking to the nines as Winter got dressed in a black suit, flat heels, and her camera bag ready to go with her.

"I wish you didn't have to come," she heard as she finished getting ready.

She was shocked hearing this as she turns around to see Namjoon dressed and ready to go.

"But... I thought that you wanted me to go," she said. "Do you not want me to go?"

"No! I want you to go..." he sighs. "Sorry, I meant to say was that I'm glad that you are coming." He walks closer toward her and kisses her, "You know I love having you at my side. The guys too."

She smiles, "You know I love supporting you on everything."

He smiles, "I know that it's been crazy these last few weeks..."

"Namjoon, stop. This is our life now. You told me that. We're not those kids back in the day before BTS even choose their name. We didn't have to hide, we could go wherever we wanted. Now, it's just hush-hush and security."

He frowns, "But I feel like I'm to blame lately."

"What for?" she asked.

"We haven't had a date since you returned."

"You guys have Wednesday off... besides," she grins, "I'm looking forward to tomorrow."

"Why's that?" he asked.

She grins, "You're going to be on Jimmy Fallon. Play a game with him and have an interview. He's one of the hosts I enjoy watching. He is an ARMY and loves you guys."

He smiles, "I am looking forward to that."

'Hey,' they heard and looked at the doorway to see Jin. 'Time to go.'

'Right,' Namjoon said.

They make sure that Winter has her stuff, and head out together.


Once they got there, and after a lot of press photos and tiny interviews, Namjoon studied his notecards and whispered his cards to himself. Winter wanted to touch him to relax, but they were around people they didn't know, so she just watched while recording and taking pictures.

She did get to meet a few YouTubers who knew her because of ARMY and were so excited to meet Winter, she found out that one of them was also giving a speech too. After a few minutes, BTS and Winter got their photos taken with cellphones or her camera.

Winter wasn't able to sit at the table with the guys, but she was by the wall watching them getting the translations from other speakers. Then, it was time for the speech. They introduced the guys, Namjoon stood up as the others followed behind. She got her camera up and started taking pictures since it was already live and being recorded.

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