Chapter 36

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Chapter 36

As BTS and their guards got onto the elevator, Jin looks at Namjoon.

'I can't believe you,' he told him.

'What?' he asked.

'You're such a hothead then I am.'

'What are you talking about?'

'Didn't you hear yourself?' Hobi steps in asking. 'You was having a yelling match and won.'

'Now, we lost a friend,' Jin points out.

'Someone that will never be replaced,' Hobi adds.

'Someone that the Maknae look up too,' Yoongi speaks up.

'Was a mom to them,' Jin points out too.

'A sister to all of us,' Hobi says.

'All because of you,' surprisingly all of them said at once.

'So what? She cheated on me,' Namjoon speaks up.

'You're not together!' Jimin yells.

'You ended it,' Tae speaks up.

'Now, we'll never see her again,' Jungkook tells them.

Hobi looks at him, 'No, she's not leaving us, she told me we're still friends and she's our sister.'

'Enough!' Namjoon shouts. 'Broken up or not, she had a job to do. She was supposed to go with us to the live stream PJ party with ARMY.'

'Ya, she quit because you yelled and demanded that she goes,' Jin points out.

'If you asked her nicely, or asked us to ask her, maybe she would have said yes,' Jimin says.

'Wait? Winter quit?' Kangdae asked them.

They nodded.

'You better not have hurt her?' he demanded.

'He kind of did,' Tae told him.

Kangdae glares at Namjoon, 'This was the only job you took from her. What is she going to do know? Where is she going to work now? No one is going to hire her because she's worth more than regular wage.'

'You set the bar on her pay so high, no one is going to match it,' another guard points out.

'I'll make sure she's paid three months out until she gets a job.'


They look around and see Yoongi staring straight ahead.

'Why not?' Hobi asked.

'She too valuable to the company. After the day is over, Namjoon is going to apologize and ask her nicely to come back to work of us again.'

'What if she doesn't?' Jimin asked.

'Then we talk with her,' Yoongi says. 'We fought to keep her with us. Many people trying to get her fired, but with the one rule that is in her contract.'

'What?' a few asked.

'If one of us fires her, all of us have to agree. If she quits, we all have to agree to it. Since it's a 1 to 6 vote that she isn't fired, Namjoon's vote is out.'

The elevator door opens and they step out.

As they head to the company cars, Tae goes up to Yoongi with Jimin and Jungkook with him.

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