Chapter 27

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Chapter 27

After a long day of recording and outfit changes, the guys were headed back home since Summer and Winter went ahead of them after they wrapped for the day.

Winter didn't know what would happen now since they all know she was back. She was eager inside to just go over to hug and talk, catch up, even though she already had. This was different. She was able to touch them, hug them, cuddle and kiss Namjoon again. She had to control every bone in her body in not kissing Namjoon passionately on set, but knowingly, he was struggling too.

"Namjoon said that they are going to go clean up and then come over for dinner. Could you help me finish up dinner and then set the table?" Summer asked.

"Why not take the dinner to them? They have more room than we do?" Winter asked snapping out of her thoughts.

"But it's a pain to carry back and forth. We can sit around the front room if needed."

Winter nods going over to set the table and helping Summer with dinner.


After an hour, there was a knock on the door, and Winter looked at Summer as they finished getting food on the table.

"Go..." Summer smiled. "You can be your true self this time, and no cameras."

Winter smiled and goes to the front door, making sure it was the guys on the other side, which she beams opening the door and sees all of her brothers.

'Hi!' they cheer at once as Winter moves out of the way and lets everyone in as she gets a serious hug and kisses on the cheek from them, except Namjoon.

He stands there watching her greet the others, and felt this tug in his chest. His girlfriend was finally home. Almost a year later. No longer 6,000 miles away.


He snaps out of his thoughts and sees his brothers watching him.

'Are you okay?' Hobi asked.

'Ya,' he smiled.

'Are you not going to hug and kiss your girlfriend?' Jungkook asked with a smile.

Winter watches him look back at her.

Namjoon goes up to her, and reaches for her hands as she gives him hers, he pulls her in close to him as she is surprised and looks deep into her eyes. 'Hi,' he whispered.

'Hi...' she whispers back.

He then leans in and kisses her as she kisses back wrapping her arms around his neck as he wraps his around her waist and lifts her up as the others in the room cheer for them as she wraps her legs around his waist.

'Okay, okay... break it up. Let's eat and visit before it gets too cold,' Summer tells everyone.

The two lovebirds break the kiss as the others headed to the table to sit down.

'God I missed you,' he whispered.

'I missed you too,' she replied.

'I don't want to let go of you, stop holding you close...'

'Then don't,' she smiled.

'I don't think I can,' he smiled.

She kisses him again, 'Put me down, and we'll make sure we are sitting together.'

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