Chapter 37

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Chapter 37

Once they got into the parking garage, there were more security around them as they got out and he noticed that Winter and Summer ran ahead of them using their suit jackets to hide.

'What is going on?' he asked.

'We don't know,' Jungkook said coming over. 'Winter was either crying or shaking as Summer was trying to calm her down.'

The girls were already taking the elevator up with some guards as the guys got onto another one, and went upstairs.


Winter and Summer get off the elevator and heads straight the office and sees Bang.

'What is going on?' he asked.

Kangdae gives him Winter's phone. 'Someone is stalker Winter.'

Bang looks at the messages, 'How?'

'We don't know sir,' he said. 'My men has called the police and they are coming.'

Winter see the large conference room with 12 bodies watching them.

"Summer," she said as Summer looks over to see everyone inside.

"Go, I'll be right here," she smiled pulling her mask down.

Winter walks over to the door and starts crying as she goes to hug Soobin first.

'Winter, what's wrong?' he asked.

She tries to get the word out from crying, 'Someone is stalking me.'

'What?' he asked as the others in the room heard and looks at each other sadly.

'How?' Jungwon asked.

'They got my number and started messaging it,' she said as she tries to calm down.

'Where is your phone?'

'Bang now has it,' she said.

There were some sighs around the room as they heard another ding and then the door to the office opens up and the BTS members walk in.

'What in the hell is going on?' Namjoon demands.

'Please, go into the conference room and we'll explain,' Kangdae told him.

'No, I want answers,' he said.

'Namjoon,' Summer said. 'You either calm your ass down, or you will not be welcome in the emergency meeting.'

'You can't do that.'

'Yes she can,' Kangdae adds. 'Now, take five, or you can leave.'

Namjoon pouts and goes to sit down on the couch.

'This way boys,' Bang told them pointing towards the conference room.

They walk in as Bang looks around.

'Please everyone, have a seat,' Bang said.

They all sit down around the table.

'What's going on?' Tae asked.

'What happened?' Sunoo asked.

Kangdae looks at Namjoon outside. 'Are you going to behave or are you going to pout and stay out here.'

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