Chapter 16

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Chapter 16

After the fight in the office, the manager stands up, "ENOUGH!" he said in Korean.

They all went quiet.

"I don't care what you all think. You can't have a girlfriend, it's in the contract."

"I don't care about it anymore," Namjoon told him. "I'll make the announcement to the world and the ARMY about her. I'm done hiding."

Bang PD holds his hand up and sighs, "I realized that your parents don't want you to be happy, but if they make Winter go away, then it's back to dark music again. Your career is going up, and you are all happy with her around."

Namjoon looks at his hyung as they smile and nod.

"She's like a sister," Jin told him. "She's like a mom to Jimin, Jungkook, and Tae."

"She makes us happy and laughs when we're together," J-Hope says.

"She's a great listener when we need someone to talk to," Suga adds.

"She comforts us when we need to cry backstage during the shows," Tae adds.

"She gives great advice," Jimin smiles.

"She is even friendly to the fans at the M&G," Jungkook adds.

"The fans are even recognizing her," Namjoon told him. "Winter was so professional about it just the other day, and these fans even asked me about her at the M&G."

"Us too," the others nodded in agreement.

"What do they know?" he asked.

"We tell them the truth. She's a friend of ours and is like a sister to us," Suga answers. "She's our professional photographer and videos."

He was quiet again.

"Please sir, let me go talk with my parents about the photos and ask them why they are trying to ruin Winter's career, my life, and our friendship with her."

He sighed, "Fine, but your relationship stays a secret."

Namjoon frowns and bows as the others do too, "Thank you, sir."

They leave the room and go find Winter and Summer sitting together and talking, but went quiet as they saw them walking out of the office.

He noticed that Winter was crying, and hearing the words, 'your relationship stays a secret', he sighs. "Let's go."

"What happened?" Summer asked.

"I can't talk about it here. I'll explain in the van," he answered in English.

The girls nod standing up, they leave the office and head back downstairs in the elevator.

Winter noticed that Namjoon was distant from her.


They got to the van and it was quiet on the ride back to their place. Once they were dropped off, Namjoon talked to the driver, got out with the others, and hugged Winter as she hugged back.

"I'll be back later," he told her.

"Where are you going?" she asked.

He looks at her, "I need to go do something."

Winter knew, "Please, Namjoon don't go face your family alone. I'll come with you."

"I need to do this alone," he sighed. "I love you and I need to tell them. I need to ask why they want to ruin your life and mine? You're safer here with the guys."

Behind the Camera (RM BTS FanFiction) ON HOLDWhere stories live. Discover now