Chapter 35

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Chapter 35

Aug. 8, 2021

The mini vacation was over, and everyone was packing up the cars as the guards were back and helping them out. The owners said not to worry about stuff, they'll take care of it all. Once everyone was packed up and in the cars, Soobin was driving with Winter in the front seat with him and Huening Kai in the back seat. The other three Yeonjun, Beomgyu and Taehyun were in the other car.

Huening Kai decided to sleep more in the back of the car, which Soobin and Winter held hands on the way back to Seoul.

'It's going to be fine,' he told her. 'We've got this. We can make it work.' He takes her hand and kisses the back of it. 'You are in power and control on what you can do. We will back you up on everything.'

She smiles with a nod, 'If it doesn't?' she asked. 'I mean we haven't even started dating yet, but happens when we don't work out? Will you end a friendship?'

He shakes his head, 'I won't do that to you and the guys. You have 19 guys that like and love you for who you are. Don't change because of a tiny issue. It'll work out.'

She nods smiling at him before looking back outside. She hoped and prayed that when she returned, everyone was going to be fine about it.


Yoongi was getting off the elevator to go to his car to head out to his studio when he sees two cars pull up outside, recognizing them, and sees the doors opening and sees people getting out and going around the cars. He recognized the one right away and stays inside out of view watching.

Three of the TXT guys were coming over to another car as another member from the other car opens the back as they help get a few bags out, and putting it on the sidewalk.

Winter was talking to them about something, and one by one, they all give her a good long hug before the next one. The fifth member goes up to Winter talking to her, they hug as the others were talking at them. As she was about to walk off, he grabbed her hand pulling her back to his body and kisses her on the lips as she kissed back, and then he breaks off the kiss.

Soon, she waves goodbye to the guys as they wave before getting back into the two cars while she gets her suitcases, and head toward the main doors toward Yoongi.

Yoongi sighs and comes out from hiding before Winter comes into the lobby. Once the doors open, she walks in and freezes seeing Yoongi and his face upset.

'Yoongi,' she said frowning. 'Um, hi.'

'Hi,' he frowns.

'You don't have to say anything,' she told him. 'You're all upset seeing the photo, and... I personally thought about it that I will be more than happy to turn in my two weeks notice, unless you personally want to fire me right here, that's fine too.' She paused. 'You've been a great friend, and the others too, but I know that I crossed the line with everyone, and I'm fine going back to work with Summer's boss again.'

He sighs, 'I can't fire you unless all seven agree at the same time,' he informs her. 'But I will tell you that I'm disappointed in you. We trusted you to be around these five guys, and you went and slept with one of them.' He sighs, 'Summer said that we all need to hear your side of the story, so please enlighten me. How did it happen?'

Winter sighs, 'I know that you're busy. I have a feeling I know where you are going so I'll make it short.'

She goes into detail tell him what she told Summer yesterday. The drinking, the guys helping them inside. Soobin wanting to sleep with her, the two-wrapper issue, and waking up in the same bed.

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