Chapter 38

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Chapter 38

September 17, 2021

Everyone was dropped off that night when Winter was stalk by Namjoon's sister. The next day, Bang gave Winter a new phone and number, which all 19 members was on there along with her last list of names and numbers.

Namjoon went to go see his sister and had a long talk with her. He felt bad, but made him more mad at her for doing it. Broken up or not, he's still friends with Winter. Or was he? He hardly talked to Winter that day when they were meeting with the South Korean president.

The staff at HYBE went to work and got all of the anti-hate boards down and gone, and gave them a warning if they say something again, or start another site, they were going after them and they didn't want to sue, but they would lose if they did.

One day, Winter was going crazy not able to leave. Bang wanted her to stay put until they could take care of the anti-hate stuff. Winter did her research and found out that most of them were gone. She smiled when she found a few 'Love Winter Moon' sites, some were poles as she laughed at Team Namjoon or Team Soobin. She even noticed a few posts to her saying that they hope she's happy and love her for loving Soobin, or sad she left Namjoon, but hope there was a good reason behind it on why they broke up.

Soon, she heard a knock on the door, she goes to answer it and sees Kangdae and Jin.

'Hey,' she smiled.

'Hi. It's kind of last minute, but we need to have you pack up.'

'Why? What's going on?' she asked.

'You're going on a trip with us.'

'No way, I'm not risking it out there.'

Kangdae smiles, 'You are going to be with the guys going to NYC.'

'What?' she asked. 'Can I go?'

Jin nods, 'We checked with everything and the South Korean president is totally fine with it.'

'What about Namjoon,' she said. 'Does he want me to go?'

'He'd rather you come with us just because you and Summer are going to be alone here, and just thinks is saver.'

'So does Summer get to go too?' she asked.

'Sadly the president said no, but TXT is staying next door so she's not alone.'

'Okay. What do I pack?' she asked letting them into the apartment.

'A pant suit again is fine,' Jin told her. 'We leave in an hour.'

She looks at the clock, 'Seriously?'

'We leave in the afternoon on the private plane.'

Winter frowns, 'Will I be able to come home?'

'We are making sure of it.'

She nods, 'Okay.'

Jin goes back to the dorm as Kangdae waits for Winter to pack up her bag for a few days.


Once at the airport, Winter went ahead with Kangdae to check in, and no one recognized her with the mask and bucket hat on, it was nice for a change. They waited in a different room for the guys to get there since press was going to stop them like always. Once they were there, checked in, they came into the room, and soon were on the private plane with the South Korean President Moon Jae-In and a few of his staff on the plane with them.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 19, 2023 ⏰

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