Chapter 23

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Chapter 23

May 18, 2019

For the rest of the American part of the tour, either light or downpour rain, the guys handled it smoothly. As they landed in New Jersey, the last stop in America for two nights, Namjoon was acting weird; he was more excited about something. Winter was getting ready to do her job when she overheard the crew say something to Namjoon as he walked faster ahead of the others.

"What's going on?" Winter asked one of the crewmembers if she could talk English too.

"Oh, did you hear? Namjoon's parents are here."

Winter stopped dead in her tracks. "Wait... what?" She rewinds her mind. Back to when he told his parents that they were going to have to deal with him dating Winter...

She heard in her mind... "So, I told them... I am in love with Winter, they are just going to have to deal with it... they have a decision to make? Either they accept Winter, or I walk out the door and they will never see me again."

She panicked. She knew the guys were trying their best to study English, but she tried to put her Korean sentence together as she goes to find Jungkook.

She quickly finds Jungkook with Suga.

'Jungkook, could I ask you something?' she asked sitting down beside him.

'Sure,' he smiled.

Winter sighs, 'I heard that Namjoon's parents are here?'

'Yes, he invited them to come and see the show.'

She nods with a frown, 'I thought that he didn't want to see them because they wouldn't accept that we are together?'

Suga pipes in, 'When you left last year, he talked to us, and he missed his parents, so he went to talk to them, and since you left, they accepted him back.'

'But... with me now back and here...'

'They don't know...' Jungkook answered.

'It's going to be ugly,' Suga added.

Winter nods, 'What do I do?'

'Do your job. You know you'll be back here since it's safer anyways. You won't see them during the show,' Suga points out.

Winter looks at the crewmember, "Get a hat and shades?"

The crewmember looks up, "Too late."

The three look over to see Namjoon with his family beside him.

Jungkook quickly got up and went over to greet them, Suga follows suit as the family hug them and talks to them while Namjoon and Winter were watching each other.

Winter stands up, goes out a different way to avoid the group, and goes to work looking for the others, knowing to check the stage first.


Winter tried her best to avoid Namjoon and his family for the two days. She would grab her lunch and went to find a quiet place to eat. She would study her photos and videos, check the batteries and SD cards to make sure she was ready for the show that night.

On the last night of the show, she was messaging Summer telling her everything that was going on when her phone was taken out of her hand.

"Hey," she said looking up. "Give that back."

Behind the Camera (RM BTS FanFiction) ON HOLDWhere stories live. Discover now