Chapter 8

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Chapter 8

Once they got to the hotel, management said that she could share with a few girls that were part of the crew. Namjoon introduced her to them, but Winter felt so out of place. The girls were so welcoming, but sadly Winter felt she would never be able to talk to them. She didn't know, but Namjoon saw it in her eyes.

Once Namjoon left, the girls moved stuff around the room and Winter found out that they were going to give her the spare bed and they would share a bed. Winter tried to protest, but they were sure that she could.

Winter thanked them, and she put her suitcase on the edge of the bed. Luckily, it was her small suitcase. J-Hope told her, with Namjoon translating, that it would be the 'hotel bag' so she knew that she would always have that for hotels when needed and not have to drag another bag around.

The girls were talking to her as Winter frowns, shaking her head not understanding, she got her phone out and started the GT to tell them she doesn't understand. Once she did this, their eyes lit up, grabbed their phones, and started their GT.

"We are sorry. Namjoon didn't say anything about you not being able to speak Korean," one said.

"Please forgive us," the other said. "We were so excited when we heard that they hired another girl to join the tour with us, we just didn't think that it would be an... sorry... American."

Winter relaxed and said, "It's okay. I wish he told you before he left."

"So, may we ask? How did you get the job?"

"How do you know Namjoon?"

Winter smiled and typed away the story. Once she got done and told the girls, they smiled and welcomed her to the crew.


Later at night, as the girls were getting ready for bed, there was a knock on the door. They look at each other, and one goes to the door and peeks through the peephole. The girls were talking to each other as Winter was puzzled.

"Namjoon," one told her with a smile.

Winter knew he was here for her; she gets up off the bed and goes over to answer the door. As she opened it, there was Namjoon with J-Hope and Jin in their pajamas.

"Come on," he told her, holding his hand out.

"What... why?" she asked quietly.

He smiles, "We have a surprise."

She looks back, "The girls..."

Namjoon said something, the girls grin as one goes over to Winter's bed and comes over holding her dog. Winter takes it with a puzzled look. Namjoon again said something, and the girls said something back with smiles.

"What is going on? I am not loving this secret stuff," she told him.

Namjoon smiles, "Trust me."

She tells the girls bye, takes Namjoon's hand and they leave the room. They go down the hallway to another room. Winter noticed that they were really quiet, understanding that other people could be sleeping. When they got to a door, she noticed that Tae was waiting for them to return, as he smiled opening the door to a suite. They walked in, she saw it was a big room, and on the floor were big bed mattresses, blankets, and pillows. They made a huge bed for eight.

"I told them that maybe you'd like to stay with us tonight instead since you don't know the girls just yet," Namjoon smiled.

"I started getting to know them," she smiled. "But I would feel better staying with you guys... kind of like old times."

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