Chapter 15

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Chapter 15

Winter watched the guys visit with each ARMY fan, and soon it was time to go. After saying goodbye, they go backstage.

"What's next?" Winter's dad asked.

"Lunchtime," Summer smiled. "They get amazing food brought in. Normally it's normal for you, but they love it."

Winter chuckles, "It's either Panda Express or In and Out."


Winter and Summer spoke with Namjoon about April and Autumn, and had an idea, he thought it would rude to take them away from their front row seats, so the girls just left it be.


Winter and Summer enjoyed the concert together, and Winter even spotted a few of the girls from a few years ago that she got to know that first show. Of course, they figured out she was also the same girl that does the pictures and videos.

After the show, Winter, her parents, and Summer went to the back to see the guys going to their dressing room to get cleaned up.

"What are the plans?" Winter asked her parents.

"We have a hotel to stay at nearby so that we don't have to drive back home late, but Namjoon said that we can spend tomorrow together before their show," dad said.

"Wait, you're coming to both shows?" Winter asked excitedly.

"He wanted you to have us visit as much as you can until you go back home."

She smiled, "Awesome. Wait? Are you staying at the same hotel as us?"

"Yep," they grinned.

Winter beamed.


The next morning, Winter, Summer, and her parents went to go have breakfast, and hang out before the concert again that night. The next morning after the final concert, Winter and Summer heard a buzzer sound and a knock on their hotel door.

Winter moans, "Just a minute," she said, slowly waking up.

"Why don't the boys use their key?" Summer asked in her sleep.

"We're in their suite, remember?" she asks finally getting out of bed and grabbing her robe and slowly walking to the main door of the suite.

On the other side of the door was the stage manager. "Oh, morning," she yawned, covering her mouth, "What's going on?" she asked.

"We were told that the boys need to wake up. Management is sending them on a vacation before going back home."

Winter nods, "Is it another Bon Voyage?" she asked.

"Yes," they said surprised.

She smiles, "I had a feeling. Okay, come on in, have a seat, and give me a few minutes, and then I'll go wake up the boys."

"Go for it," they smiled as she let them in and she went to go use the bathroom before going around and waking all seven members and Summer.


After a good hour, everyone was up and around the living room area trying to wake up as Winter and Summer started some coffee for everyone.

"What's going on?" Namjoon asked.

"Well, management called us, and said that you are all going on a nine-day vacation to... Hawaii."

"What?" they asked surprised and got excited.

Behind the Camera (RM BTS FanFiction) ON HOLDWhere stories live. Discover now