Chapter 33

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Chapter 33

An hour later, TXT and Winter reached the rented cabins, and the guys were in awe as they were pulling up.

'This is so cool,' Beomgyu told them.

Winter smiles at the house, the boat house by the river, and the house in back. 'It is.'

They parked the cars by the smaller house since they were going to cook most of the food there, and they decided on Taehyun was going to get the bedroom since he can start cooking in the morning, or whenever he wants to.

They unloaded with the help from the gaurds all the food into the kitchen, which they saw some computers and video game equipment, and luckily Winter remembered the bigger house had a kitchen so they took whatever couldn't fit in the fridge down to the other kitchen. Once they got stuff put away, everyone grabs their bags from the other car, and takes them to the other house.

'Winter, you said the guys stayed here before?' Soobin asked.

She nods, 'Yep, Jungkook stayed in the boathouse, Jimin slept in the bedroom by the kitchen, Yoongi had a trailer since he was working on some music that needed to be done, Jin stayed in a tent out there, and the rest stay in the bigger house,' she answered.

They saw the Ping-Pong table, a volleyball net up in the yard. Inside there was a TV, DVDs, and DVD player, many games, a karaoke machine, table and benches to sit at. Once upstairs they saw the two rooms, and they agreed Winter should have the bigger room with the view as Soobin and Yeonjun would sleep in one room with the two beds, and Beomgyu and Huening Kai would sleep in the boathouse.

As they were getting settled, Winter watches the view from her room. She felt at peace. She reached into her pocket for her phone, but it was there; then she remembered. She wasn't working and didn't need to be bothered. If the guys needed to get a hold of her, they can call one of the TXT members, or Bang.

She wished she brought her camera at least.

There was a knock on the door, and she looks to see Soobin.

'Hey,' she smiled.

'May I come in?' he asked.

'Sure,' she nods as he comes in and stands next to her.

'Wow, it's beautiful.'

She nods, 'Ya, so peaceful.' She sighs, 'I just wish that I had brought my camera. But I'm on vacation, I should enjoy the view and capture it in my mind. No phones; just enjoy the company of you guys.'

Soon she sees a familiar bag in front of her face.

'Why don't you?' he asked.

'My camera... how did you get it?' she asked taking the bag from him.

He smiles, 'I have my ways.'

'No seriously, how did you get it?' she asked again opening it up to see her camera tucked inside.

'Let's just say that after I heard that you weren't going to bring anything with you, I called Jungkook and told him, and he said that when you travel you always take your camera with you. So, I stopped by your place yesterday and asked Summer if I could make sure you took it with you. When I told her that you were planning on not taking anything but your clothes and some books to read, she said that you were in the shower, so she grabbed the bag and gave it to me.'

'So I could capture your moments.'

'And yours,' he smiled. 'You're not on BTS time, you're on your own time, tagging along with TXT.'

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