Chapter 20

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CChapter 20

Winter got their orders, a half-hour later, she brought over their food, and knowing that they would be sharing, she bought extra plates and bowls for them to use to dish up what they want.

'I'll be back in a few to see how everything tastes,' she told them in Korean.

They smile and nod saying 'thank you' as they start dishing up what they want to eat.


Winter was getting refills when someone came over.

"Are you serving BTS?"

Winter was puzzled because the room they were in was private. "I'm sorry, but I'm not allowed to give out that information."

"If it is, could you tell them that Erica is a huge fan and loves them?" she asked.

Winter couldn't believe it, "Look, I'm really busy taking care of our guests."

"Oh, I'll just go back there myself."

"I wouldn't do that if I were you," Winter told her.

Erica just goes right up to the doors as Winter saw two of the guards blocking the doors. She grabs her tray of drinks for the guys as she goes back over.

"We're sorry miss, you can't go in there," Jimin's guard told her.

"But, this waitress said that I could," she lied.

Winter looks at the guards as they look at her, "Did you tell her she could?"

She chuckles with a wink, "Of course not... I know the rules."

"She lying..." Erica said.

"Look, this is a private lunch, and the only person allowed inside is her," he gestured toward Winter, "and us. Now, please leave, or we will have someone take you back to your table."

"Can't I get a sneak peek and say hi from here?"

"No," Suga's guard told her sternly.

"May I please go in to give them their drinks," Winter asked.

"Sure Winter," Jimin's guard said and moves out of the way as Suga's guard blocked Erica.

Just as the door opens up, Winter goes in just as Erica slips right past the guard and beside her, making Winter lose her balance, and the guys look over toward the door to see what was going on. All at once, the drinks fell, spilled, and hit the ground, breaking the glasses all over the ground and onto Winter. Erica was now inside and starts screaming at the guys as the other guards go after her as she talked to the guys and ran around the table talking to them, as they now had very puzzled looks, watching this girl talking to them, and a very wet Winter on the ground, covered in broken glass and drinks.

After a few minutes, Erica was finally caught by Tae and J-Hope's guards as she went to hug Jimin, who was scared and hugging Hobi. Namjoon quickly went over to help Winter stand up as the guards were blocking the entrance.

"Winter, are you okay?" Namjoon asked.

Winter looks at her clothes and sees the stains from the drinks, and bleeding from the glass hitting her and landing on her hands. "I guess not," she told him.

"Wait... her name is Winter?" Erica asked surprised and screamed. "OMG! YOU'RE WINTER... YOU'RE THE BFF THAT THEY TALK ABOUT! YOU WERE AT THEIR SHOW!"

Behind the Camera (RM BTS FanFiction) ON HOLDWhere stories live. Discover now