Chapter 19

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Chapter 19

Once they go to the hotel, Namjoon and Winter explained at the front desk that someone might bring her car to the hotel, and let them know when it gets there. Then they head to the elevator and go up to their floor to their suite.

Winter knew that they were full of energy, so it was going to take some time for them to calm down, so they all sat down on the couch to watch some TV. So as they were watching a movie they decided on, and everyone taking turns in getting ready for bed, Namjoon holds his hand out to Winter as she smiles taking it, and they go to his bedroom and shut the door.

Once the door is closed, he pulls her in for a hug and she hugs back.

"I missed you," he whispered.

"I missed you too," she said hugging back.

They hold each other for a few minutes as they stand there, and then he lets go as he takes her hand and they go sit down on the foot of the bed facing each other.

"Namjoon, I'm so sorry..." she started to say.

"Please, let me speak first," he said, interrupting her.

She nods, "Okay."

He sighs, taking her hands into his, "I'm sorry that you had to see that girl kissing me... I just want to point out that she kissed me, not the other way around, which I'm sure you saw." He paused, "I shoved her away and fired her on the spot and asked security to get her stuff and go. I called management after that to let them know... but... when I went to get ready, I saw the sad faces of the guys, and after they told me you left, it hit me hard that you saw us kissing." He was quiet, "I wished that you and I talked before you left us... me." He sighs as Winter saw tears, "This past year... it sucked. No calls, no texts, nothing. I thought that you ended everything." He looks at their wrists with their scars. "I almost cut the W with an X, but J-Hope and Jimin stopped me. They said that if I did, the bond would be gone, the oath would disappear."

Winter lets tears fall, "I'm so sorry I hurt you..."

"When we came here to be on the Ellen show, Jimmy Kimmel, or James Corden, I was hoping and praying that you would have been there in the crowd... we all did." He lets tears fall down his cheeks as Winter lets go of his hands to softly wipe them away. "I wanted my Winter back... my best friend... our sister."

Winter moves closer to hug him as he hugs back and just cries.

After a few minutes, she looks at him, "Can I ask something?"

He nods as he wipes his tears away.

"When you were here in LA taping the shows... why didn't you come to see me?"

"We couldn't reach you... we thought you got your own apartment; moved away, or your parents moved."

Winter smiles, "Summer had my new number... you still could've come over. Mom and dad never moved. I'm still staying with mom and dad."

He stands up to go get some tissues to blow his nose. "We all thought that, but we didn't act on it."

Winter nods, "Okay."

"What have you been doing this past year?" he asked as he tossed the tissues away and went to the bathroom to wash his hands.

Winter smiled, "Well, besides Instagram... I'm a manager at a local restaurant."

He smiled looking back out into the bedroom at her, "That's my girl."

She beams, "Thanks, but sadly that's all I have been doing, besides watching and catching up on what you all are doing. I promised Jimin I would."

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