Chapter 32

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Chapter 32

Namjoon walks into the apartment and sees all six guys all looking at their phones and then at him.

He swore under his breath, 'Summer told you.'

'What the hell happened?' Yoongi asked.

Namjoon sighs, 'I really don't want to talk about it.' He heads to his bedroom.

'You two were so happy and fine last night,' Hobi said.

'I said I don't want to talk about it!' Namjoon said turning around shouting at the others before he goes into his room slams the bedroom door, strips down to nothing, tosses them onto the bed, and then goes into the bathroom to take a shower.

He cleans himself, and after he washes his hair he sees the W scar on his wrist. Looking at it burned. He finishes showering, and when he turns off the water, he stares at the W.

In his mind he pictures taking a blade and make it with a lot of Xs so that it wasn't readable anymore. Cut out a square around it to remove it. Or go get a tattoo, but he didn't want to since it would be frowned upon in his family.

He finally tears up, turns the shower back in, turns the water completely to cold, curls up and just cries.

She ripped his heart out and cut it up. Their life was over.


Winter was on the floor curled up into a ball crying and was hyperventilating like she couldn't breathe. She felt like she was kicked in the stomach.

She heard someone come in, and was pulled up into someone's lap and held close being rocked.

"It's okay, let it out," she heard the voice.

Winter just felt loved knowing it was Summer, at least she had one friend for now.


Winter was exhausted from crying, Summer got her to get into bed and get some sleep.

Summer made some phone calls, and called into work saying she couldn't come in, someone would have to take over for her. She then just got into PJs and sat on the couch watching TV to pass the time, and to stop her from going next door to beat the crap out of Namjoon.


Namjoon was so numb from the water, he didn't see or feel anything, but heard voices and soon he noticed that he was standing up shivering as someone was rubbing him down with a few towels, and soon he was in sweat pants and shirt, and next thing he knows is laying down in bed under the covers.

'Rest,' he heard a voice, and soon he was sleeping.


Hours later, Winter wakes up and sees that she's back in bed and then realized what happened. She frowns as she gets up, puts on her comfortable sweat pants and shirt, and heads to the front room to see not only Summer, but five other faces from the party last night that wasn't BTS.

'Wait... Soobin... what are you guys doing here?' she asked in Korean as Huening Kai sees her and quickly gets up to come over to hug her as she hugs back.

'Summer told us what happened,' Soobin told her.

'We had to come over to make sure that you were okay,' Huening Kai said looking at her.

'Oh, well thank you for coming over,' she smiled at them.

She goes over and one by one she was hugged by the others.

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