Chapter 7

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Chapter 7

Winter got home safe and sound. She messaged everyone and told them that she was home. She messaged Summer letting her know she was home safe and sound and will talk to her in the morning. She got ready for bed, and crashed, picturing her moments with BTS.


The next morning, Winter woke up to the doorbell, but just laid there knowing her parents were home, and started to go back to sleep until there was a knock on her bedroom door.

"Winter, someone is here to see you," Monica said, opening Winter's bedroom door.

"Mom, I just want to sleep."

"Sweetheart, I know, you had a great concert last night, but it's almost 11 am and a few nice gentlemen are at the door. Why don't you get dressed, come out, and see who it is? Don't make them wait."

"What?" she asked slowly, waking up and looking at her mom. "Who is it?"

"I don't know, there are seven of them. The one looks familiar, but addressed me as he remembered me."

Winter knew, "Mom if I'm right, that's Namjoon."

Her mom's eyes grew, "That boy you went to school and prom with?"

"Yes, mom... the same boy that has been sending me all those letters and packages."

"Wow... he came back here? He has turned into a handsome young man."

"Mom, he and the others are the members of the band BTS that I went to see last night." Mom wasn't going to stop so Winter sits up, "Tell him to give me a few minutes."

"Okay," she smiled and left the room.

As Winter was getting ready, she heard her mom talking and Namjoon's voice coming up the stairs. Soon, she heard other voices and some laughter. She sighed while she finished getting dressed.

"They're all here, but why?" she asked.

She leaves her bedroom and goes downstairs to the front room to see everyone sitting down around the room as her mom was visiting Namjoon and the others.

"Hi Winter," a few said with a smile and waved.

"Hey," she smiled with a small wave.

"Well, it was great to see you again Namjoon. Nice meeting and seeing all of you again," her mom said looking around. "Congrats on the growth of your careers."

"Thank you," Namjoon said as he translated to the others.

They put their hands together and a small bow saying, "Thank you."

Her mom left as Winter walked further into the room. "What are you all doing here? Aren't you supposed to be on a flight?" she asked.

Namjoon shakes his head standing up, "Not until tomorrow, but..." he pauses and looks at the others as they nod and he looks at her, "We talked last night, and we want you to come on tour with us."

She shakes her head no, "Namjoon, we talked about this; even last year. I can't go on tour with you."

"Winter, I know that you still don't have a job. Your mom told us. I just thought why not be our photograph and record us? If you see something that you like or love that we do, take the picture or just hit record. Record our dancing, goofing off," he chucked. "Our manager isn't happy since you're back in our lives again, which we had a huge argument with last night about it. He's not happy that we would have a girl touring with us, but we have crew members and backup dancers that are girls, so it's not going to be any different. Besides, he felt really bad about how you got treated last night and upset about how the security treated you, he wants to offer this. We just have to promise that nothing is going to happen."

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