Chapter 10

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Chapter 10

Aug. 30, 2015; Seoul

After a month of traveling with the boys, and getting great photos and videos, with some coaching, and making them laugh, smile more, Winter was enjoying her new job. Videos were getting posted where they showed her how, and the ARMY was just loving it.

On Aug. 30, BigHit started filming for some show that was going to air later next year. They were to travel to Norway, which was also to celebrate BTS's 3rd anniversary. They were going to fly around Northern Europe. Winter was given a heads up about it, and knowing that Namjoon and the others would argue, BH told her to pack a small bag with a few clothes inside and be ready to go and make sure that they packed the correct stuff, off-camera of course. Sadly Tae couldn't go because his grandfather passed away and he had to take care of the family stuff, but would join them later; behind the cameras, she and Tae hugged, and he thanked her quietly, glad that she cared, and to go have fun.

During the trip, when the camera crew was gone and the cameras were off, Winter would stay in their house/room that they stayed in, and shared Namjoon's bed that he got. Sadly Namjoon lost his passport, so he had to return home, so she decided to go back home with him as the others went on their trip. Namjoon and Winter talk about it being a great thing, that they would have more time together, and without the guys and cameras around. Cheesy as it was, Winter did send Summer and her parent's postcards about where she went with the guys; she would fill them in when she got back home to Seoul.


Once the others got home from their ten-day trip, Winter decided to go surprise Summer. She got the address saved to her phone and used the map and the train to go to her place. She even got Namjoon and Jimin to come along with her. She didn't want to get lost on her own again. However, she made sure that they were wearing shades, facemasks, and hats so no one would recognize them.

They got to Summer's home, and Winter knocked on the door as Namjoon and Jimin were hiding so Winter could surprise them.

Soon the door opened up, and there was Summer. "WINTER!" she yelled as Winter smiled and the girls hugged.

After they settle down, Summer steps back, "What are you doing here?"

"Well, I thought that I would come to say hi," she smirks, "And bring you a small present."

That was Namjoon and Jimin's cue to come out from hiding. They come to the door and Summer sees them. She screams softly and starts to cry as Namjoon opens his arms for her to get a hug, and then Jimin gets a hug.

"OMG, hi," she said hugging them.

"How are you, Summer?" Namjoon asked.

Summer smiled and said, "Great now," as she also said it in Korean.

"Can we come in?" Winter asked.

"Yes, please," she said as they went inside.

Summer shows them where to sit down, and once they are settled, Namjoon looks at Winter as she nods.

"I would like to personally tell you, thank you for being Winter's support this past year," he told her. "For those 9 months, it sucked. Our management didn't want us to have anything to do with Winter. No packages, no calls, texts, emails, Skype calls."

Jimin started talking in Korean as Namjoon translated for Winter, "My hyungs and I are so grateful that you have been friends with Winter. Management said that she had leaked our numbers, so we all got new numbers, knowing she only had Hobi and Namjoon's numbers. When we got your note, that made us realize that she never leaked our numbers. She's not the type of person that would do that. She's family, and family doesn't do that. We're so glad that you gave Winter packages and updated her on everything we did this last year before the ARMY found out."

Behind the Camera (RM BTS FanFiction) ON HOLDWhere stories live. Discover now