Chapter 1

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Chapter 1

Sept. 5, 2011

Seoul, South Korea

A long brown-haired, 5' 5", a white girl named Winter Moon Parker, lived in Gangnam-gu, a part of Seoul, South Korea, and was in class at Korea International School. It was her Junior year here. She was shy around others, hardly had any friends, and she was fine with it.

Winter used to live in America, until the age of 12 when her father got a great paying job to move and work in Seoul. So he packed up his family and flew here. Winter had to leave all of her friends behind but never could make friends here because of the language, except for this school, which is for all ages in K-12. Sadly, no one wanted to be her friend, and she was fine with that.

It was just a week after school started, and she was in her first hour writing in her notebook/journal as the other students came in chatting with each other.

"Hey Winnie," someone said. She hated that name. "What are you writing about today?"

She ignored them, holding her book close to her as she wrote, knowing that they would take her book away from her, which they did.

"HEY! Give that back!" she yelled, glaring at Tanner.

"Why, if you're any good you should share with the class," he said as his friends laughed with him.

The teacher just then walks in, "Tanner; give Winter her book back."

"But she's written some weird stuff," he said pointing to a page.

"When she's ready to share, then she'll share, now give it back to her, or I will have to send you to the principal."

"He and I are buds," he said. "He won't do anything."

"Just give it back," a girl said.

"What if I told Coach to bench you for the season," the teacher told him.

The class 'oooo'ed as Tanner gave Winter her book back.

She held it close to herself.

"Winter, please put your notebook away," the teacher said.

She nods, "Yes mam," she said as she puts it in her backpack.

Soon, she heard a bell as footsteps came into the room.

"Hello, what can I help you with?" the teacher asked.

"Hello, I'm an exchange student," he said, handing the teacher a piece of paper. His voice sounded thick, he had to be from around here. You could always tell from the exchange students' voices and words the way they talked. She knew he wasn't an American.

"Well, welcome," the teacher takes the paper. "Class, please welcome," she reads it, "Kim Namjoon."

As the class settled down and was nice to say hello, Winter glanced up to see an Asian boy with dark black hair, dark eyes, regular clothes, and carrying a messenger bag.

"You can go sit in the back behind Winter."

She smirked as she lifted her hand to wave and put it down as he saw her, and he went to sit at the empty desk behind her.

The teacher started class.


After class, Winter quickly gets her stuff and her notebook falls out of her bag as she heads out to her next class. Namjoon sees it on the floor. He picks it up and takes it to the teacher.

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