Chapter 17

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Chapter 17

Winter got a one-way plane ticket to take her back to America; called her parents to come to get her, she saw that she missed some voicemails, the text message from Namjoon, but she just deleted them without listening to them or reading them. She decided to do something she didn't think she would ever do herself... change her phone number, giving the new one to her parents and Summer, but never talked to the guys ever again.


End of 2017

Winter kept her promise by watching the guys on TV shows, award shows another album release and tried to move on without picking up the phone to call Namjoon or the others on how proud she was. It was hard the first few months, but after a while, she took it one day at a time.

She got a great job after her former jobs gave them a recommendation on how well she was doing as a dishwasher and other things she learned. She even got a pay raise because of it. She decided to continue taking pictures and videos, so she set up an Instagram account, calling herself WinterSnowflake. She took what she wanted, beautiful scenery around her and she got tons of followers in just two months. She was surprised, and so was Summer.

Winter secretly celebrated the guys' birthdays that always come up. She got a tiny cake and would sing Happy Birthday to herself to them, and eat the cake herself. She wanted to send gifts to them but talked herself out of it.

When late November came, she knew she was going to be in trouble since the guys were going to be in LA taping some TV shows. She made sure that she was working so that if the guys showed up at her parent's house, she would be gone. When she got home, her mom didn't say anything. She turned on the TV or watched on YouTube seeing the guys get interviewed and/or perform on Jimmy Kimmel, Ellen, and James Corden. She tears up at how much she missed them, but she just moved on.


Namjoon and the guys were on their phones reading comments on Twitter, and other personal accounts about the shows they did before they headed back home.

'It's been six months Namjoon, what do we do?' Tae asked.

'Why can't we go to her house?' Jungkook asked.

'She's not going to answer,' Jin informed him. 'She could've moved into her own place, or her parents moved.'

Namjoon was watching out the hotel room window watching the dark skyline. 'I don't know anymore.'

We're only 30 minutes away, why don't we go knock on the door and see,' Suga said.

The others agree.

'It's late!' he shouted and frowned. 'She's not coming back.'

'But, your oath... your promise,' J-Hope said.

'I know,' he sighs looking at the W on his wrist.

He never touched it, but he almost took a sharp blade and sliced it, but the others stopped him from doing it.

'Do you still love her?' Jimin asked.

'Of course, I do, but she saw me kiss... she'll never understand.'

'But your message...' Jungkook said.

'She had to have deleted it or she would've called,' Jin answered.

Namjoon whispers, 'Come home Winter. Come back to me... please.' He lets the tears fall.


Behind the Camera (RM BTS FanFiction) ON HOLDWhere stories live. Discover now