iv. an iron cage

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CHAPTER FOUR ── an iron cage 

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❝𝕾o, this was your grand plan," Stasiaj murmured, raising an eyebrow at Kaz as she watched the Heartrender create bruises, broken bones, a couple of chipped teeth and then add firepox over the top of that. "Didn't your..."

"Shut up, Snake," Kaz cut her off, as Stasiaj sighed, leaning back against the wall of the prison as she watched them work. Nina was finally finished with Kaz's lackey, moving onto the prisoner in the cell. 

Stasiaj would admit, as much as her cold, reptile heart would allow, that Matthias Helvar was a good looking man. He was strong and muscular and everything that a typical woman would look for in a man, but Stasiaj was not a typical woman.

"Not the face, Nina!" Kaz murmured, drumming his fingers along the handle of his cane. "I need him mobile, not pretty. Heal him fast and only enough to get him walking for now. I don't want him spry enough to vex us."

"Leave the young lovebird alone, Crow Man," Stasiaj grinned. "She wants to admire her boytoy before he wakes up and remembers that she put him in there."

Nina tensed up, taking a deep breath as Kaz shot her a warning look. He had told the others that they should not speak with Stasiaj as she had a habit of getting under people's skin and working out all of their secrets. Kaz alone would deal with her, as he was used to her manipulative, yet childish ways.

"Snake, you're not helping,"

"I was just stating a fact," Stasiaj rolled her eyes. "Are you almost done? I, for one, would like to get out of this place."

The strong man was waking up, him and Nina talking in hushed whispers, before he flipped her over and slammed her into the ground, his hands around her neck. Stasiaj straightened up, tilting her head as she watched it all play out. Her guess had been correct, Matthias had remembered who put him there and was not happy about it.

"Hands off her, Helvar," Kaz's voice filled the tense silence, accompanied by a click of a gun as Stasiaj raised her eyebrow. This was growing more and more interesting by the second. 

"Go ahead and shoot me," Matthias' voice was deep, his accent thick with anger as Stasiaj let out a snort.

"That would mess up Crow Man's plan and as interesting as that would be, I need it to work so get up," Stasiaj pushed herself off of the wall, before kicking Matthias' legs out from underneath him and pulling him off of the Heartrender. "Come on, Wolf Man, we're getting you out, so cooperate."

𝐖𝐀𝐑 𝐎𝐅 𝐇𝐄𝐀𝐑𝐓𝐒 ↦ Kaz BrekkerWhere stories live. Discover now