xv. powers and gems

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CHAPTER FIFTEEN ─── powers and gems 

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𝖂atching Nina work was like seeing a reaper collecting souls. With a snap of her fingers, Nina dispatched of the Heartrender; with a couple of words, the army went to sleep; and with a twist of her hand she forced the soldiers to act out her orders and almost killed a host of druskelles that had been set on murdering Matthias.

When she was done, the city was silent and there was not a soul to stop them from boarding the ship and starting off back home once more.

All of this had happened in the space of mere minutes and Stasiaj was still trying to wrap her head around what had happened at the palace and on the river banks, and now she had this to process as well. For once, the Snake was left with questions that she did not know the answer to and that was making her feel terrible.

So, Stasiaj did the one thing she was good at. She went to find answers from Nina, who was speaking to Inej.

"Stasiaj," The girl raised an eyebrow, turning to look at Inej.

"She can differentiate us by our pulse and breathing," 

"Well, that's not mildly concerning in the slightest," Stasiaj drawled, accepting the coat that Inej handed to her, happy for the warmth that her dress did not provide.

"I wish that the two of you could see what I do," Nina replied, her face calm despite the ordeal that she was about to go through. "I can hear every body on this ship, the blood rushing through their veins. I can hear the change in Kaz's heart when he sees Stasiaj."

The girl, in question, started choking on her own spit as Inej slapped her on the back.

"And I hear your breathing change when you see him," Stasiaj groaned, dodging Inej's grin and Nina's knowing look.

"Both of you are terrible and I hate you," She was bright red, running a hand down her face as the other two girls laughed.

"His heart skips a beat, like he's constantly surprised that you choose to look at him and I think you know how you feel about him,"

"We don't talk about emotions in my line of work," Stasiaj glared, flicking Inej's ear as the Wraith continued to laugh. "Change the subject. What does Matthias' heart do?"

Nina raised a brow, unfooled. "Matthias is afraid for me, but his heart thumps a steady rhythm no matter what he's feeling. So Fjerdan, so orderly."

𝐖𝐀𝐑 𝐎𝐅 𝐇𝐄𝐀𝐑𝐓𝐒 ↦ Kaz BrekkerWhere stories live. Discover now