xxx. royals

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CHAPTER THIRTY ─── royals 

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𝕻ain. That was all Stasiaj felt. Blinding hot pain searing through her abdomen and leg. Groaning to herself, Stasiaj opened her eyes and cursed. She was still alive. 

How unfortunate.

Taking a deep, heaving breath, Stasiaj forced herself upright and onto her feet, staring around her in confusion. She was in a hotel room? At least it looked like a hotel room, and she clutched onto the wall as she stumbled towards the door.

Where were the others? Pushing open the door, Stasiaj came out into a corridor of sorts, lined with painting and expensive looking carpet. Rolling her eyes, Stasiaj huffed, before smiling at the sound of her Crows voices down the hall. At least they all sounded alive.

Carefully, and using the wall for support, Stasiaj headed in that direction, listening to the words they spoke. Peering round the corner, Stasiaj watched each of them. Nina and Matthias, leaning against one another and grinning like madmen. Inej was perched behind Kuwei, Jepser and Wylan on the floor, giving one another forlorn glances. Finally, Kaz was in the corner, leaning on his crow head cane, with Malkus by his feet.

"She claims she has Lantsov blood and that she's a contender for the Ravkan throne." Stasiaj raised an eyebrow at that, before making her presence known.

"Ah, someone else with a claim to the throne, what fun," She replied, before coughing as the others turned their heads to stare at her. "I sound like I smoked thirty cigarettes a day for the past seventeen years. Anyone got a glass of water?"

"Snake..." Kaz was on his feet first, eyes wide, before the others descended on her, wrapping her in hugs as the girl laughed. Inej and Nina nearly knocked her from her feet, Matthias steadying the trio as Jesper pressed a kiss to her head. Stasiaj wrapped her arms around all of them as best she could, grinning widely.

"I'm still injured and need water," They all got off of her, running to find water and food for the girl, as Stasiaj sank into the couch next to Kaz's chair, Malkus immediately curling into her.

"Mama," Malkus murmured, as Stasiaj pressed a kiss to his head. "I told him you'd be alright. I knew you would."

"I said that I'd come back to you, didn't I?" He nodded, as Kaz turned to look at her.

"How'd you feel?" He asked, not looking at her as Stasiaj raised an eyebrow.

"Like someone decided to rearrange my guts," She shrugged, before turning back to Malkus as he tugged on her hair. "Yes, darling?"

𝐖𝐀𝐑 𝐎𝐅 𝐇𝐄𝐀𝐑𝐓𝐒 ↦ Kaz BrekkerWhere stories live. Discover now