xxi. trade

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"𝕴'm not going to be able to come with you tonight," Stasiaj told Kaz, placing an earring into her ear as Kaz stopped in her doorway, turning to her with narrowed eyes. "Don't give me that look."

"Why aren't you coming?"

"I'm not a thief, Crow Man," Stasiaj replied, before leaning down to repaint the dark red onto her lips. "This requires stealth and silence. I may be Snake, but my talents do not lie in trickery or stealing people's pregnant wives."

"You trick people all the time,"

"That's different," She replied, before turning to him. "There are two Shu ships in the harbour and I need to do my job and find information."

"You're not going to go looking for the captain?" Kaz raised an eyebrow, his face cold as Stasiaj rolled her eyes and shrugged.

"No, not yet at least," She replied. "My first priority will be on Van Eck and getting Inej."

"Where will you be?"

"Here, there and everywhere," Stasiaj sent him an infuriating smile, before pulling an outer cloak on, her fangs back in place in her hair. "I will be safe, Crow Man."

"I wasn't worried," He snapped back, as Stasiaj nodded.

"Keep telling yourself that," She replied, before holding something out for him. Kaz looked down, seeing two of her fangs in Stasiaj's hand, emeralds glinting in the light. "For you."


"Just accept the gift, Brekker," Stasiaj replied. "You can give them back to me when you get back safe, because unlike you, I do get worried about whether or not one of the others is going to stab you for being callous and insensitive."

"They wouldn't,"

"I'll make a..."

"No," He pointed a warning finger in her face, placing the two fangs into his coat pocket, alongside his revolver for the job that night. "I'm not losing any more of my money to you."

"I'll get it eventually," She replied, as Kaz followed her down the stairs. "You all look like you're about to have a lot of fun."

"You're not coming with us?" Nina asked, her face pale, as Stasiaj smiled at her.

"Unfortunately not," Malkus appeared by her side, chewing on a piece of toffee as Stasiaj patted his head. "I have business elsewhere but I'll be back when you return. Have fun collecting Van Eck's wife."

𝐖𝐀𝐑 𝐎𝐅 𝐇𝐄𝐀𝐑𝐓𝐒 ↦ Kaz BrekkerWhere stories live. Discover now