vi. knees and ships

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CHAPTER SIX ── knees and ships 

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"𝕾tasiaj..." Kaz trailed off, looking at her with his eyes narrowed. "I will not...I can not beg."

"Then I guess you do not need me that much, Bastard," Stasiaj replied, sitting down at her dresser and crossing her legs as she applied her dark red paint to her lips, smiling the feral grin that she reserved for negotiations. She would get her way. 

Stasiaj always got her way.

"Fine. Stasi..." Stasiaj wagged her finger, cutting Kaz off.

"On your knees, Bastard," Kaz tensed, anger growing on his face as he snarled at her.


"Knees, Bastard, and beg. You want my help, this is the cost. Simple as that," Kaz seemed to weigh up just how much he needed her on the mission, and came to the conclusion that she was unfortunately integral to his plans, for he dropped to his knees with a struggle.

A smirk grew on Stasiaj's lips as she waited for him to speak.

"Please, Stasiaj," He got out through gritted teeth, not making eye contact with her as his cheeks flushed with embarrassment. Stasiaj took pleasure in that, for she was not able to embarrass him by spreading secrets, as he had information that she wanted and money, so this would suffice. "I'm sorry for knocking you unconscious and tying you up so please come to the Ice Court with us. I won't do it again."

"Good boy," Stasiaj replied, brushing past him as she grabbed the knife from the door frame. "That makes us even."

"Yes," Kaz looked up, hesitating momentarily before grabbing Stasiaj's hand, with his leather clad ones, and allowing her to pull him to his feet. Despite their hostility towards one another, Kaz and Stasiaj had known each other for years and did, to some extent, trust the other not to kill them. "You'll come?"

"Yes. Turn around," Kaz did as he was told, hearing her begin to get changed as he waited for her to speak once more. "Why did you need me?"

"You have a ship?"

"I can get you one, yes," Stasiaj replied, pulling a slip on quickly as she waited for Kaz to elaborate. "I'll assume you want a crew?"

"Yes," Stasiaj nodded, tightening her dress up swiftly and throwing a shawl over the top. "When will they be ready?"

Stasiaj merely held a finger up, opening her door and whistling. A guard appeared moments later.

"Prepare a ship and crew. You have six hours and tell my vipers that they need to be on high alert, understand? Anything happens, even a whisper, they come straight to me,"

𝐖𝐀𝐑 𝐎𝐅 𝐇𝐄𝐀𝐑𝐓𝐒 ↦ Kaz BrekkerWhere stories live. Discover now