xx. black dress

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CHAPTER TWENTY ─── black dress 

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𝕶az Brekker was keeping Stasiaj out of their upcoming ploy and she did not like it one bit. 

"Why not?" He raised an eyebrow at her, as Stasiaj leant against her desk and glared. "I can help."

"You're still thinking about the captain in the port," Kaz pointed out, shaking his head at her. "I won't risk it."

"You need a blonde to make Van Eck's lawyer stay at the table. I am blonde and that would be easier than Nina doing it," Stasiaj pointed out. "You know she's still unwell."

In the last few days, Kaz and her, with Wylan's help, had come up with a plan on how to start to dismantle Van Eck's empire, beginning with his lawyer; Smeet. The plan was simple, keep him at a table gambling whilst others snuck into his house and found the information that they needed.

This had been Stasiaj's approach. Kaz's was to dangle him off of the lighthouse roof as he had done to Smeet's assistant. It hadn't worked out in his favour, so Stasiaj had provided some input.

"I'm not putting you in, Snake," Kaz growled, as Stasiaj narrowed her eyes.

"You're putting your feelings ahead of the job,"

"No, I'm not,"

"Yes you are," Stasiaj replied, pointing a finger at him. "You forget, I know you."

"Snake..." Kaz glared.

"Or, are you worried that you're going to have trouble dealing because you'll be too in awe of my beauty the entire night," Stasiaj smirked, as Kaz sighed and rubbed his forehead. "You so are. I'll bet money on it, and win!"

"Fine, you want to come so badly, do," Stasiaj grinned at that, having got her way once more. She knew that she probably should not have used Kaz's somewhat competitive nature, and his feelings for her, to manipulate the situation, but the girl could not truly bring herself to care. "If this goes wrong, I'm blaming you."

"Yes, yes, go sulk somewhere else," Kaz glared again as Stasiaj tried to shoo him from her room. "Get out, Crow Man, unless you're aiming to see me naked again."

"You're incorrigible," He replied, as Stasiaj shrugged and grinned. 

"I try my best, just for you," She cooed in response, as Kaz took another deep breath, and rubbed his forehead. "Crow Man," Stasiaj sent him a sincere smile, dropping her teasing façade as he made eye contact with her once again. "I know how to act and how to play my part. I can do this and I promise you, no distractions."

𝐖𝐀𝐑 𝐎𝐅 𝐇𝐄𝐀𝐑𝐓𝐒 ↦ Kaz BrekkerWhere stories live. Discover now