⚘ 𝑪𝒉𝒂𝒑𝒕𝒆𝒓 𝑬𝒊𝒈𝒉𝒕

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Thank you, same person! <3

Also, this chapter might be boring cuz I got caught up with homework ;-;

Tried to be a productive person lmfao.

So uh, I'm braindead.

"Jeno, how's your admirer going for you?" Haechan greeted with a teasing grin, heavily slinging an arm around Jeno's shoulders.

"What admirer?" The omega blinks, tilting his head to the side as he paused his actions on arranging the cupcakes on the stand on top of the counter.

The tanned male huffs out a laugh, finding it silly as he reaches his free hand to ruffle the omega's hair annoyingly. "Jaemin, was it? That vampire dude who went here before." He recalls mockingly.

Jeno rolled his eyes at his friend, knowing well that the boy had a bit of great memory when it comes to these things, specifically for blackmail reasons.

And right now, it's one of those moments where Haechan was luckily not luring him in into something, but was just trying to annoy him. It still sucks though.

"I don't know what you're talking about."

"Clearly you only speak one language, which is the language I'm speaking right now." Haechan sneered.

Letting out a sigh, Jeno turns back to focus on arranging the cupcakes on the stand. "It's been the same, he still comes over and flirts with me. Then Renjun is just there studying before kicking him out after a few minutes."

"I see that your witch friend, slash roommate, has the opposite idea of mine. Which is getting you two together." The tanned male hums.

Jeno shrugs his shoulders, his coworker's arm bounces along from the action. "I wouldn't get my hopes up that Injun wouldn't betray me. They're childhood best friends." He stated.

Haechan raised a brow, "why not?" He asks, earning a confused look from the omega. "Like, why not give him a chance?"

"Gosh, you're repeating what Renjun had said. But more dumbfounded sounding." The omega whines before squeaking when Haechan leans in to his ear.

"I'm not dumb, omega." He teased and pulls away, stifling a laugh when Jeno looked annoyed yet also embarrassed. "Also, I really do think you should... Warm up to him."

Finishing his task, Jeno fully turns his body towards the tanned male and crossed his arms. "Do you realize the possible consequences of being with a vampire?"

"Please, that was centuries ago." Haechan snorts off. "Besides, Renjun did say Jaemin was a good guy and not like those other blood sucking monsters. Right?" He asks for confirmation.

The only reason he knows about these things is because the poor omega couldn't help but blurt out what had happened everytime he comes home.

He's been mentioning this Renjun kid for a while, considering that the witch friend is his roommate, but it made Haechan intrigued and actually listen to his stories and rambles.

He hasn't met the boy yet, hasn't even come over to his and Jeno's shared apartment.

There's a lot of reasons as to why he agreed with the omega to literally not step a foot inside his place.

Easily deciding to stay out and hangout away from where Jeno lives.

Besides the point, Jeno is in a small crisis with this Jaemin guy who apparently likes him. If it wasn't obvious enough.

It's not like Jeno hates him, like what Renjun reassured Jaemin about.

And his feelings about the elder weren't clear either. He doesn't know if he likes it when Jaemin keeps coming over to bother him and his roommate, or he's actually uncomfortable with it.

"Well, yeah but–" Jeno tries to protest.

Haechan shushes him and gave a stern look. "Jen, how much do you trust your roommate?"

"Enough for him to not barge in my room anytime and touch my things. Especially when I misplace my key." Jeno pouts, recalling those times where he forgot his key and was almost crying before Renjun came to help him.

Nodding off, the tanned male reaches over to grab a cupcake from the stand which Jeno had just finished arranging, "then I really don't see the problem."

"I have omega parents." Jeno deadpans, watching his coworker peel the cupcake liner off and takes a bite of the dessert.

"Well shit." Haechan almost chokes on his food, clearing his throat after and regaining his composure.

"Well, uhm, you can..." Pondering in thought, he blinks and looks at Jeno with a more gentle look as if to reassure the omega. "Worry about the future later, and focus on the present now."

"Did you just read that from the quote of the day sign behind me?" The omega raised a brow in suspicion.

Huffing, Haechan grumbles a 'no' while taking another bite of his food, "but what I mean is," he starts with his mouth full

Ignoring the disgusted face Jeno gave him, "take the risk, see it for yourself, don't fret too much just because of what others would think. Try to... Be with Jaemin or something."

Jeno hums with a blink, "that was going well, until the last part with you hesitating." He comments and turns around to look in the mirror to fix his hair that Haechan messed up.

"It's hard to be a wise one." Haechan shrugs, "I'm used to make fun of others, not help them."

"Then what made you want to help me?" Jeno teasingly asks, knowing the answer quite well.

"Shut up, omega." Haechan scoffs and crumples the cupcake liner in his hand before throwing it into the trash bin.

Jeno only giggles a bit, running his hands over his pastel outfit and hears a few shuffles behind him. He turns back around to look at the front so he would see the customers come in.

It wasn't a busy day, to their luck since it's just the two of them today. Their other coworker got sick and was absent. Meaning, Haechan could be in bathroom duty.

Jeno waits at the front, looking over to the window every few minutes before looking through his phone again. Feeling Haechan come over near his small space and played with his hair.

He sighs and looks up, "don't scent me too much, Channie. Renjun said I smelled weird, like an alpha, which is also weird because I don't have an alpha, and orders me to take a bath right away."

Haechan, like the alpha he is, was stubborn and scents his omega friend anyway. "Atleast it's helping you, right?"

Jeno rolled his eyes and shrugs, "eh, maybe." He gave a small smile before the door opens and in comes a customer, "finally." He muttered, which made the alpha laugh at him.

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